Diskussionspapiere des Europäischen Instituts für Sozioökonomie e.V.

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 36
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2021Zur Entwicklung von Vergütungssystemen in deutschen GroßsportvereinenThieme, Lutz; Falk, Rüdiger
2021The application and adaption of the organizational capacity framework on sports clubs to identify causes for organizational problemsPost, Carina
2020Between scientific publication and public perception: Some economic remarks on the allocation of time in scienceFollert, Florian; Naumann, Chantal; Thieme, Lutz
2019The influence of performance parameters on market valueFrenger, Monika; Emrich, Eike; Geber, Sebastian; Follert, Florian; Pierdzioch, Christian
2019Zur Bestrafung bei Wirtschafts- und Steuerkriminalität: Eine ökonomische AnalyseFollert, Florian
2019Follow me ... on the relationship between social media activities and market values in the German BundesligaFrenger, Monika; Follert, Florian; Richau, Lukas; Emrich, Eike
2019German sports clubs' recruitment of executive board membersEmrich, Eike; Frenger, Monika; Gassmann, Freya; Hämmerle, Martin; Pierdzioch, Christian
2019Totgesagte leben länger! Einige Anmerkungen zum homo oeconomicus als MethodeEmrich, Eike; Follert, Florian
2019Was wäre wenn ...? - Ein mikroökonomisches Gedankenexperiment zu einer Superliga im europäischen FußballFollert, Florian; Emrich, Eike
2019Zu den Plänen einer 'Superliga' im europäischen Fußball: Ein Kommentar aus sportökonomischer SichtFollert, Florian
2018Investments and capital stocks as estimations for health infrastructure in the European countries (EU28)Koch, Michael
2018Einige bewertungstheoretische Anmerkungen zur Marktwertanalyse der Plattform transfermarkt.deAckermann, Phil; Follert, Florian
2018Zur Wirkung moralischer Appelle als Nudging? Ergebnisse aus verhaltensökonomischen ExperimentenThieme, Lutz; Winkelhake, Olaf
2018A machine learning approach to 'revisit' specialization and sampling in institutionalized practiceBarth, Michael; Emrich, Eike; Güllich, Arne
2018First step developing a early-warning system against corruption for sports associationsHerrmann, Konstantin; Emrich, Eike; Frenger, Monika; Rasche, Christoph
2017Match quality, crowding out, and crowding in: Empirical evidence for German sports clubsBehrens, Christoph; Emrich, Eike; Hämmerle, Martin; Pierdzioch, Christian
2017Why do referees end their careers and which factors determine the duration of a referee's career?Rullang, Christian; Emrich, Eike; Pierdzioch, Christian
2017Evaluation of sporting success in Austria: An institutional economics analysisBarth, Michael; Emrich, Eike; Daumann, Frank
2016Exzessiver passiver Sportkonsum: Ist die Sucht nach Stadionfußball rational?Flatau, Jens; Emrich, Eike
2016For the love of football? Using economic models of volunteering to study the motives of German football refereesEmrich, Eike; Pierdzioch, Christian; Rullang, Christian
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 36
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