Advisory Board
The ZBW has set up an advisory board for EconStor. The aims of the board are as follows:
- Advice on strategic questions and future planning
- Discussion of technical issues
- Discussion of content related issues
- Monitoring issues
- Suggestions for optimizing the services
- Feedback regarding new ideas
The following principles apply to the Board:
- The composition of the board covers various stakeholder groups
- Appointment of board members is limited for three years, with an option of one extension (max. 6 years overall)
- The Board meets on an annual basis
Advisory Board Members for 2025-2027
Name and Affiliation
Silke Bellanger (University Library Basel)
Head of Digital Services and Open Science Team
Isabel Bernal (CSIC, Madrid, Spain)
Services for Open Science and DIGITAL.CSIC Repository Manager
Dr. Ulrich Herb (Saarland University and State Library,
Saarbrücken and Partner of scidecode science consulting)
Head of the Publication and Research Support Department
Prof. Stefan Kolev (Ludwig Erhard Forum for Economy and Society (LEF),
Berlin and University of Applied Sciences Zwickau)
Academic Director (LEF) and Professor of Political Economy (University of Applied Sciences, Zwickau)
Prof. Mikael Laakso (University of Tampere, Finland)
Professor for Information Science
Dr. Wolfgang Benedikt Schmal (Ilmenau University of Technology)
Postdoctoral Researcher in Economics
Astrid Schürmann (RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, Essen)
Head of Library and Information Services