Working Papers, Studienzentrum Gerzensee, Schweizerische Nationalbank

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 162
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024Dynamic factor models with common (drifting) stochastic trendsKaufmann, Sylvia; Strachan, Rodney W.
2024A runs test for stock-market prices with an unobserved trendHerger, Nils
2024Truth by consensus: A theoretical and empirical investigationCamera, Gabriele; Garratt, Rod; Monnet, Cyril
2024A geometric approach to factor model identificationKaufmann, Sylvia; Pape, Markus
2024Credit and anonymitySchneider, Fabienne; Taudien, Remo
2024On-the-run premia, settlement fails, and central bank accessSchneider, Fabienne
2024Currency speculation around the opening of the telegraph between London and Paris in 1851Herger, Nils
2023Communication and hidden action: A credit market experimentBrown, Martin; Schmitz, Jan; Zehnder, Christian
2023Moral constraints, social norm enforcement and strategic default in weak and strong economic conditionsBrown, Martin; Schmitz, Jan; Zehnder, Christian
2023Fragility of secured credit chainsGottardi, Piero; Maurin, Vincent; Monnet, Cyril
2023Bayesian (non-)unique sparse factor modellingKaufmann, Sylvia; Pape, Markus
2022Central bank digital currency: Stability and informationMonnet, Cyril; Keister, Todd
2022Covid-19 outbreak and beyond: Retrospect on the information content of registered short-time workers for GDP now- and forecastingKaufmann, Sylvia
2022Real interest rates and population growth across generationsFuhrer, Lucas Marc; Herger, Nils
2022Covid-19 outbreak and beyond: Retrospect on the information content of registered short-time workers for GDP now- and forecastingKaufmann, Sylvia
2022The political economy of early COVID-19 interventions in US statesGonzalez-Eiras, Martín; Niepelt, Dirk
2021Distributed Ledgers and the Governance of MoneyAuer, Raphael A.; Monnet, Cyril; Shin, Hyun Song
2020Monetary policy with reserves and CBDC: Optimality, equivalence, and politicsNiepelt, Dirk
2020Optimally controlling an epidemicGonzalez-Eiras, Martín; Niepelt, Dirk
2020Bank lending in Switzerland: Capturing cross-sectional heterogeneity and asymmetry over timeBeutler, Toni; Gubler, Matthias; Hauri, Simona; Kaufmann, Sylvia
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 162