Working Papers, Studienzentrum Gerzensee, Schweizerische Nationalbank

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 160
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2020Tractable epidemiological models for economic analysisGonzalez-Eiras, Martín; Niepelt, Dirk
2019News shocks: Different effects in boom and recession?Bolboaca, Maria; Fischer, Sarah
2019Streamlining time-varying VAR with a factor structure in the parametersBeyeler, Simon
2019Unraveling news: Reconciling conflicting evidenceBolboaca, Maria; Fischer, Sarah
2019On the equivalence of private and public moneyBrunnermeier, Markus K.; Niepelt, Dirk
2019On the instability of banking and other financial intermediationGu, Chao; Monnet, Cyril; Nosal, Ed; Wright, Randall
2019Unregulated and regulated free banking: The case of Switzerland reinterpretedHerger, Nils
2018The risk-taking channel of liquidity regulations and monetary policyImhof, Stephan; Monnet, Cyril; Zhang, Shengxing
2018Factor augmented VAR revisited: A sparse dynamic factor model approachBeyeler, Simon; Kaufmann, Sylvia
2018Asset prices under alternative exchange rate regimesAregger, Nicole
2018Reserves for all? Central bank digital currency, deposits, and their (non)-equivalenceNiepelt, Dirk
2017Unconventional monetary policy under appreciation pressure: The role of financial frictionsAregger, Nicole; Leutert, Jessica
2017An empirical assessment of the Swedish Bullionist ControversyHerger, Nils
2017Testing the interest parity condition with Irving Fisher's example of Indian rupee and sterling bonds in the London financial market (1869-1906)Herger, Nils
2017Policy evaluation by the synthetic control approach: The case of the Swiss francAregger, Nicole; Leutert, Jessica
2016Fiscal federalism, taxation and grantsGonzalez-Eiras, Martín; Niepelt, Dirk
2016Hidden Markov models in time series, with applications in economicsKaufmann, Sylvia
2016Capital flows and the Swiss francYeșin, Pınar
2016Exchange rate floor and central bank balance sheets: Simple spillover tests of the Swiss francAlvero, Adrien; Fischer, Andreas M.
2016Factor augmented VAR revisited: A sparse dynamic factor model approachBeyeler, Simon; Kaufmann, Sylvia
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 160