Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Bensch, Gunther

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2010Energy usage and socio-economic conditions in mozambique: Evidence from GTZ Electrification Project RegionsBensch, Gunther; Peters, Jörg; Schraml, Linda
2010Socio-economic impacts of rural electrification in Rwanda: An ex-ante assessment of GTZ activitiesBensch, Gunther; Peters, Jörg
2010Rural Electrification in Rwanda – An Impact Assessment Using Matching TechniquesBensch, Gunther; Kluve, Jochen; Peters, Jörg
2011Impacts of Rural Electrification in RwandaBensch, Gunther; Kluve, Jochen; Peters, Jörg
2011Combating Deforestation? - Impacts of Improved Stove Dissemination on Charcoal Consumption in Urban SenegalBensch, Gunther; Peters, Jörg
2011Combating Deforestation? – Impacts of Improved Stove Dissemination on Charcoal Consumption in Urban SenegalBensch, Gunther; Peters, Jörg
2011Impacts of rural electrification in RwandaBensch, Gunther; Kluve, Jochen; Peters, Jörg
2011Impact Evaluation of Productive Use – An Implementation Guideline for Electrification ProjectsBensch, Gunther; Peters, Jörg; Schmidt, Christoph M.
2012A Recipe for Success? Randomized Free Distribution of Improved Cooking Stoves in SenegalBensch, Gunther; Peters, Jörg
2012Fear of the Dark? – How Access to Electric Lighting Affects Security Attitudes and Nighttime Activities in Rural SenegalBensch, Gunther; Peters, Jörg; Sievert, Maximiliane
2012Impact Evaluation of Productive Use - An Implementation Guideline for Electrification ProjectsBensch, Gunther; Peters, Jörg; Schmidt, Christoph M.
2013Impact evaluation of improved stove use in Burkina: FAFASOBensch, Gunther; Grimm, Michael; Peter, Katharina; Peters, Jörg; Tasciotti, Luca
2013Inside the Metrics – An Empirical Comparison of Energy Poverty Indices for Sub-Saharan CountriesBensch, Gunther
2014The Intensive Margin of Technology Adoption - Experimental Evidence on Improved Cooking Stoves in Rural SenegalBensch, Gunther; Peters, Jörg
2014Why Do Households Forego High Returns from Technology Adoption - Evidence from Improved Cook Stoves in Burkina FasoBensch, Gunther; Grimm, Michael; Peters, Jörg
2015Impacts of access to solar energy on rural households: An evaluation of a Netherlands supported programme in Burkina FasoBensch, Gunther; Grimm, Michael; Langbein, Jörg; Peters, Jörg
2015The lighting transition in Africa: From kerosene to LED and the emerging dry-cell battery problemBensch, Gunther; Peters, Jörg; Sievert, Maximiliane
2016Are promotion programs needed to establish off-grid solar energy markets? Evidence from rural Burkina FasoBensch, Gunther; Grimm, Michael; Huppertz, Max; Langbein, Jörg; Peters, Jörg
2016Enablers of strong cookstove sales through a purchase offer approach in rural Senegal: An explorative analysisBensch, Gunther; Peters, Jörg
2016The market-based dissemination of modern-energy products as a business model for rural entrepreneurs: Evidence from KenyaBensch, Gunther; Kluve, Jochen; Stöterau, Jonathan