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Ergebnisse 11-20 von 24.
2016Economic and Environmental Impact of National Food Security Act of India
In: Band: 4, 2016, Heft: 5, S. 1-23
Sengupta, Priyam; Mukhopadhyay, Kakali
2016The impact of wheat market liberalization on the seed industry's innovative capacity: an assessment of Brazil's experience
In: Band: 4, 2016, Heft: 11, S. 1-20
Flister, Larissa; Galushko, Viktoriya
2016Determinants of household food insecurity in Mexico
In: Band: 4, 2016, Heft: 10, S. 1-20
Magaña-Lemus, David; Ishdorj, Ariun; Rosson, C. Parr; Lara-Álvarez, Jorge
2016The land grabbing in the international scenario: the role of the EU in land grabbing
In: Band: 4, 2016, Heft: 12, S. 1-9
Carroccio, Anna; Crescimanno, Maria; Galati, Antonino; Tulone, Antonio
2016Social farming: a proposal to explore the effects of structural and relational variables on social farm results
In: Band: 4, 2016, Heft: 13, S. 1-13
Bassi, Ivana; Nassivera, Federico; Piani, Lucia
2016Examining the control of bird flu risks among Nigerian poultry producers: implication for effectiveness of biosecurity knowledge, attitude, and practices (EBKAP)
In: Band: 4, 2016, Heft: 25, S. 1-19
Okpukpara, Benjamin
2016Short-term acreage forecasting and supply elasticities for staple food commodities in major producer countries
In: Band: 4, 2016, Heft: 17, S. 1-23
Haile, Mekbib G.; Brockhaus, Jan; Kalkuhl, Matthias
2016Lending credence: motivation, trust, and organic certification
In: Band: 4, 2016, Heft: 14, S. 1-18
Holland, Steve
2016The dark and the bright side of power: implications for the management of business-to-business relationships
In: Band: 4, 2016, Heft: 18, S. 1-17
Belaya, Vera; Hanf, Jon Henrich
2016An analysis of price and volatility transmission in butter, palm oil and crude oil markets
In: Band: 4, 2016, Heft: 23, S. 1-23
Bergmann, Dennis; O'Connor, Declan; Thümmel, Andreas