Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Ploner, Matteo

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2013The effect of identifiability on the relationship between risk attitudes and other-regarding concernsKoukoumelis, Anastasios; Levati, M. Vittoria; Ploner, Matteo
2013Providing negative cost public projects under a fair mechanism: An experimental analysisGüth, Werner; Koukoumelis, Anastasios; Levati, M. Vittoria; Ploner, Matteo
2013Procedurally Fair Collective Provision: Its Requirements and Experimental FunctionalityGüth, Werner; Kliemt, Hartmut; Koukoumelis, Anastasios; Levati, M. Vittoria; Ploner, Matteo
2013Self-image and moral balancing: An experimental analysisPloner, Matteo; Regner, Tobias
2014Buying and Selling Risk - An Experiment Investigating Evaluation AsymmetriesGüth, Werner; Ploner, Matteo; Soraperra, Ivan
2014Fostering the best execution regime: An experiment about pecuniary sanctions and accountability in fiduciary money managementCasal, Sandro; Ploner, Matteo; Sproten, Alec N.
2015On the malleability of fairness ideals: Order effects in partial and impartial allocation tasksDengler-Roscher, Kathrin; Montinari, Natalia; Panganiban, Marian; Ploner, Matteo; Werner, Benedikt
2015On the Malleability of Fairness Ideals: Order Effects in Partial and Impartial Allocation TasksDengler-Roscher, Kathrin; Montinari, Natalia; Panganiban, Marian; Ploner, Matteo; Werner, Benedikt
2016Fostering the Best Execution Regime An Experiment about Pecuniary Sanctions and Accountability in Fiduciary Money ManagementSproten, Alec; Casal, Sandro; Ploner, Matteo
2017Reacting to unfairness: Group identity and dishonest behaviorValle, Nives Della; Ploner, Matteo
2019The stability of conditional cooperation: Egoism trumps reciprocity in social dilemmasAndreozzi, Luciano; Ploner, Matteo; Saral, Ali Seyhun
2021The Right Person for the Right Job: Workers' Prosociality as a Screening DeviceBigoni, Maria; Ploner, Matteo; Vu, Thi-Thanh-Tam
2022Welfare in Experimental News MarketsAlbertazzi, Andrea; Ploner, Matteo; Vaccari, Federico