Games - Open Access Journal, MDPI

ISSN: 2073-4336

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 553
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2022Random rank-dependent expected utilityKashaev, Nail; Aguiar, Victor H.
2022Overlapping climate clubs: Self-enforcing R&D networks to mitigate global warmingSilva, Emilson C. D.; Yamaguchi, Chikara
2022Mean-payoff games with ω-regular specificationsGutierrez, Julian; Steeples, Thomas; Wooldridge, Michael J.
2022Consciously uncertain: A Bayesian analysis of preferences formationStimolo, Marco; Beraldo, Sergio; Capasso, Salvatore; Filoso, Valerio
2022Competition and innovation in markets with technology leadersTsao, Ku-Chu; Mukherjee, Arijit; Ray, Achintya
2022The evolution of ambiguity in sender-receiver signaling gamesMühlenbernd, Roland; Wacewicz, Sławomir; Żywiczyński, Przemysław
2022An experimental study of strategic voting and accuracy of verdicts with sequential and simultaneous votingAnderson, Lisa R.; Holt, Charles A.; Sieberg, Katri K.; Freeborn, Beth A.
2022Evolution of social learning with payoff and content biasPerreault, Charles; Boyd, Robert
2022Self-enforcing collective counterterror retaliationOliveira, André L.; Silva, Emilson C. D.
2022White list: An administrative tool to contrast crimeBarletta, Amelia; Capuano, Carlo; De Iudicibus, Alessandro
2022A preface for the special issue "Economics of conflict and terrorism"Faria, João Ricardo; Arce M., Daniel G.
2022Egalitarian allocations and convexityDragan, Irinel C.
2022CEO bias and product substitutability in oligopoly gamesSchroeder, Elizabeth; Tremblay, Carol Horton; Tremblay, Victor J.
2022Correcting for random budgets in revealed preference experimentsMahmood, Mir Adnan; Rehbeck, John
2022How strong are soccer teams? The "host paradox" and other counterintuitive properties of FIFA's former ranking systemKaminski, Marek
2022A note on time inconsistency and endogenous exits from a currency unionSaito, Yuta
2022Conflicts with momentumBoudreau, James W.; Mathews, Timothy; Sanders, Shane; Bagchi, Aniruddha
2022Identification and control of game-based epidemic modelsMadeo, Dario; Mocenni, Chiara
2022Risk aversion, managerial reputation, and debt-equity conflictDodonova, Anna
2022What economists can learn from "The power of us: Harnessing our shared identities for personal and collective success" by Jay J. van Bavel and Dominick J. PackerGrieco, Daniela
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 553