Ruhr Economic Papers, RWI – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung

ISSN: 1864-4872

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 1089
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2023The Effects of Mandatory Speed Limits on Crash Frequency - A Causal Machine Learning ApproachMetz-Peeters, Maike
2023Labor market news and expectations about jobs & earningsSchmidpeter, Bernhard
2023Centrality Bias in Inter-City TradeMori, Tomoya; Wrona, Jens
2023Low-wage jobs, foreign-born workers, and firm performanceAmuedo Dorantes, Catalina; Arenas-Arroyo, Esther; Mahajan, Parag; Schmidpeter, Bernhard
2023How Resilient is Public Support for Carbon Pricing? Longitudinal Evidence from GermanySommer, Stephan; Konc, Théo; Drews, Stefan
2023Natives' gender norms and the labor market integration of female immigrantsBredtmann, Julia; Otten, Sebastian
2023Intragroup communication in social dilemmas: An artefactual public good field experiment in small-scale communitiesHönow, Nils Christian; Pourviseh, Adrian
2023The effect of compulsory schooling on vaccination against COVID and InfluenzaMonsees, Daniel; Schmitz, Hendrik
2023Regional adaptability to digital change: May the Swabian force be with youNeumann, Uwe
2023International migration from and to Prussia: 1862-1871Bauer, Thomas K.; Schulze, Kathrin
2023Effects of access to universities on education and migration decisionsMarkus, Philipp
2023Favoritism by the governing eliteAsatryan, Zareh; Baskaran, Thushyanthan; Birkholz, Carlo; Hufschmidt, Patrick
2023Exporting and endogenous workplace amenities under monopsonistic competitionAbashishvili, Avtandil
2023Intensive informal care and impairments in work productivity and activityKolodziej, Ingo; Coe, Norma B.; Van Houtven, Courtney Harold
2023Inflation perception and the formation of inflation expectationsSchmidt, Torsten; Müller, Henrik; Rieger, Jonas; Schmidt, Tobias; Jentsch, Carsten
2023Regional employment effects of the Hartz-reformsHörnig, Lukas
2023Green SÖP extended: The socio-ecological panel surveys 2020 and 2022Frondel, Manuel; Matejko, Leonie; Osberghaus, Daniel; Sommer, Stephan; Vance, Colin
2023Housing Prices, Airport Noise and an Unforeseeable Event of SilenceBreidenbach, Philipp; Thiel, Patrick
2023Can pensions save lives? Evidence from the introduction of old-age assistance in the UKJäger, Philipp
2023The relationship between political instability and economic growth in advanced economies: Empirical evidence from a panel VAR and a dynamic panel FE-IV analysisDirks, Maximilian; Schmidt, Torsten
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 1089
Also listed in RePEc / EconPapers