Jena Economic Research Papers, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

ISSN: 1864-7057

Diese Sammlung enthält die Jena Economic Research Papers ab dem Jahrgang 2015. Die von 2007 bis 2014 innerhalb dieser Reihe erschienenen Papiere sind hier zu finden:

This collection contains the Jena Economic Research Papers from the year 2015 on. The papers published from 2007 to 2014 can be found here:

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 169
2021Immigration and entrepreneurship in the United StatesAzoulay, Pierre; Jones, Benjamin F.; Kim, J. Daniel; Miranda, Javier
2021Drivers of inclusive development: An empirical investigationDörffel, Christoph; Draper, Peter; Freytag, Andreas; Schuhmann, Sebastian
2021The poverty effect of democratizationDörffel, Christoph; Freytag, Andreas
2021A procedural perspective on academic spin-off creation: The changing relevance of academic and commercial logicsCantner, Uwe; Doerr, Philip; Göthner, Maximilian; Huegel, Matthias; Kalthaus, Martin
2021The COVID-19 pandemic and entrepreneurship in Germany: First observations and interpretationsFritsch, Michael; Greve, Maria; Wyrwich, Michael
2021Policy influence in the knowledge space: A regional applicationBasilico, Stefano; Cantner, Uwe; Graf, Holger
2021The poverty effect of democratization: Disaggregating democratic institutionsDörffel, Christoph
2021Framing of economic news and policy support during a pandemic: Evidence from an information experimentBareinz, Patrick; Koenings, Fabian
2021Learn German, buy German? Language-learning opportunities abroad and exportsFieles-Ahmad, Omar Martin; Huber, Matthias
2021I win it's fair, you win it's not: Selective heeding of merit in ambiguous settingsKandul, Serhiy; Nikolaychuk, Olexandr
2021The economic effects of private equity buyoutsDavis, Steven J.; Haltiwanger, John C.; Handley, Kyle; Lipsius, Ben; Lerner, Joshua; Miranda, Javier
2021Language learning: Human capital investment or consumption?Huber, Matthias; Übelmesser, Silke
2021ICT's wide web: a system-level analysis of ICT's industrial diffusion with algorithmic linksPrytkova, Ekaterina
2021Long-term decline of regions and the rise of populism: The case of GermanyGreve, Maria; Fritsch, Michael; Wyrwich, Michael
2021Culture and collaboration - an underestimated power!? The effect of regional culture on the research collaboration propensity in European regionsSöllner, Cathrin
2021Cultural imprinting: Ancient origins of entrepreneurship and innovation in GermanyFritsch, Michael; Wahl, Fabian; Wyrwich, Michael
2021Can there be too much information? Heterogeneous responses to information on benefits from language proficiencyKönings, Fabian
2020Public research and the quality of inventions: The role and impact of entrepreneurial universities and regional network embeddednessGraf, Holger; Menter, Matthias
2020Initial conditions and regional performance in the aftermath of disruptive shocks: The case of East Germany after socialismFritsch, Michael; Wyrwich, Michael
2020Historical institutional differences and entrepreneurship: The case of socialist legacy in VietnamFisch, Christian; Wyrwich, Michael; Thi Lanh Nguyen; Block, Jörn Hendrich
Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 41 bis 60 von 169