Jena Economic Research Papers, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

ISSN: 1864-7057

Diese Sammlung enthält die Jena Economic Research Papers ab dem Jahrgang 2015. Die von 2007 bis 2014 innerhalb dieser Reihe erschienenen Papiere sind hier zu finden:

This collection contains the Jena Economic Research Papers from the year 2015 on. The papers published from 2007 to 2014 can be found here:

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 169
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2020Bridging technologies in the regional knowledge space: Measurement and evolutionBasilico, Stefano; Graf, Holger
2020One transition story does not fit them all: Initial regional conditions and new business formation after socialismFritsch, Michael; Kristalova, Maria; Wyrwich, Michael
2020What is inclusive development? Introducing the multidimensional inclusiveness indexDörffel, Christoph; Schuhmann, Sebastian
2020Regional trajectories of entrepreneurship: The effect of socialism and transitionFritsch, Michael; Kristalova, Maria; Wyrwich, Michael
2020The deep imprint of Roman sandals: Evidence of long-lasting effects of Roman rule on personality , economic performance, and well-being in GermanyFritsch, Michael; Obschonka, Martin; Wahl, Fabian; Wyrwich, Michael
2020Does successful innovation require large urban areas? Germany as a counterexampleFritsch, Michael; Wyrwich, Michael
2020Protecting investors in equity crowdfunding: An empirical analysis of the small investor protection actGoethner, Maximilian; Hornuf, Lars; Regner, Tobias
2020Sinking or swimming in the cluster labor pool? A firm-specific analysis of the effect of specialized labourGrashof, Nils
2020The value orientation of entrepreneurs in challenging institutional contexts: Insights from a unique historical episodeWyrwich, Michael
2020To securitize or to price credit risk?McGowan, Danny; Nguyen, Huyen
2020Accounting for intergenerational social immobility in low- and middle-income countriesKoenings, Fabian; Schwab, Jakob
2020The power of close relationships and audiences: Interpersonal closeness and payment observability as determinants of voluntary paymentsHofmann, Elisa
2020Smart specialization strategies at national, regional, or local levels? Synergy and policy-making in German systems of innovationRuhrmann, Henriette; Fritsch, Michael; Leydesdorff, Loet
2020Is innovation (increasingly) concentrated in large cities? An international comparisonFritsch, Michael; Wyrwich, Michael
2019Populism - what next? A first look at populist walking-stick economiesBall, Christopher; Freytag, Andreas; Kautz, Miriam
2019How innovation affects performanceGonchar, Ksenia; Kristalova, Maria
2019Predicting ordinary and severe recessions with a three-state Markov-switching dynamic factor modelCarstensen, Kai; Heinrich, Markus; Reif, Magnus; Wolters, Maik H.
2019A shot in the dark? Policy influence on cluster networksGraf, Holger; Brökel, Tom
2019Micro fluidity and macro stability in inventor networksFritsch, Michael; Kudic, Muhamed
2019Entrepreneurial ecosystems: A dynamic lifecycle modelCantner, Uwe; Cunningham, James; Lehmann, Erik; Menter, Matthias
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 169