Discussion Papers, Abteilung Wirtschaftswandel und Beschäftigung, WZB

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 56
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2001First line supervision without any supervisor: what do workers think about groupwork? Anthropological fieldwork at Volkswagen HanoverCorteel, Delphine
2001The origins of bank-based and market-based financial systems: Germany, Japan, and the United StatesVitols, Sigurt
2000Is perfection optimal? Employment and product market competitionAmable, Bruno; Gatti, Donatella
2000Competence, knowledge, and the labour market: the role of complementaritiesGatti, Donatella
2000Loyalty and middle class at stake in the General Motors strikes, Flint (Michigan), Summer 1998Corteel, Delphine; Hayem, Judith
1999Institutional complementarity and diversity of social systems of innovation and productionAmable, Bruno
1999National institutional frameworks and high-technology innovation in Germany: the case of biotechnologyCasper, Steven
1999Revisiting the French model: coordination and restructuring in French industry in the 1980sHancké, Bob
1999German production networks in Central, Eastern Europe: between dependency and globalisationPellegrin, Julie
1999High technology governance and institutional adaptiveness: do technology policies usefully promote commercial innovation within the German biotechnology industry?Casper, Steven
1999The political economy of EMU: rethinking the effects of monetary integration on EuropeSoskice, David
1999Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Beschäftigungspolitik in der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und WährungsunionKasten, Gabriele; Soskice, David
1999Small European states in world markets revisited: the questioning of compensation policies in the light of the Swiss caseMach, André
1999The case for a symmetric reaction function of the European Central BankGatti, Donatella; van Wijnbergen, Christa
1998The German apprenticeship system after unificationWagner, Karin
1998Unemployment and innovation patterns: the role of business coordination and market competitionGatti, Donatella
1998The legal framework for corporate governance: explaining the development of contract law in Germany and the United StatesCasper, Steven
1998Industrial restructuring and industrial relations in the European car industry: Instruments and strategies for employmentHancké, Bob
1998The causes of welfare state expansion: deindustrialization or globalization?Iversen, Torben; Cusack, Thomas R.
1998The equilibrium rate of unemployment in varying micro-institutional settingsGatti, Donatella
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 56
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