Working Papers "Sustainability and Innovation", Fraunhofer ISI

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 191
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2022Understanding inter-system interactions and their impactsBreitschopf, Barbara; Köhler, Jonathan; Wydra, Sven; Grimm, Anna; Billerbeck, Anna
2022A dynamic material flow model for the European steel cycleRostek, Leon; Thurid Lotz, Meta; Wittig, Sabine; Herbst, Andrea; Loibl, Antonia; Espinoza, Luis Tercero
2022Impulspapier: Kurzfristige Strategien zur Erschließung von Einsparpotenzialen für Erdgas im Gebäudesektor zur Sicherung der Energieversorgung im Kontext der russischen Invasion in die UkraineWietschel, Martin; Dütschke, Elisabeth; Eichhammer, Wolfgang; Ragwitz, Mario; Spillmann, Thorsten; Steinbach, Jan
2022An Indicator based Approach to the Energy Efficiency First PrincipleChlechowitz, Mara; Reuter, Matthias; Eichhammer, Wolfgang
2022Is the German energy transition perceived as gender- and socially-just?Kuschan, Marika; Burghard, Uta; Groneweg, Kiara; Strebel, Annika
2022How much are individuals willing to pay to offset their carbon footprint? The role of information disclosure and social normsSchleich, Joachim; Alsheimer, Sven
2021A charging infrastructure network for battery electric trucks in EuropeSauter, Verena; Speth, Daniel; Plötz, Patrick; Signer, Tim
2021Did Germany reach its 2020 climate targets thanks to COVID-19?Shammugam, Shivenes; Schleich, Joachim; Schlomann, Barbara; Montrone, Lorenzo
2021What's in it for me? Self-interest and preferences for distribution of costs and benefits of energy efficiency policiesFanghella, Valeria; Faure, Corinne; Guetlein, Marie-Charlotte; Schleich, Joachim
2021Renewable rebound: Empirical evidence from household electricity tariff switchingSchleich, Joachim; Schuler, Johannes; Pfaff, Matthias; Frank, Regine
2021The share of renewable electricity in electric vehicle charging in Europe is higher than grid mixPreuß, Sabine; Kunze, Robert; Zwirnmann, Jakob; Meier, Jonas; Plötz, Patrick; Wietschel, Martin
2021Dimensions of systems and transformations: Towards an integrated framework for system transformationsEdler, Jakob; Köhler, Jonathan Hugh; Wydra, Sven; Salas-Gironés, Edgar; Schiller, Katharina; Braun, Annette
2021Options for achieving a close-to climateneutral EU industry and their implicationsHerbst, Andrea; Fleiter, Tobias; Neuwirth, Marius; Rehfeldt, Matthias; Wachsmuth, Jakob
2021Addressing the gaps in market diffusion modeling of electrical vehicles: A case study from Germany for the integration of environmental policy measuresVan, Tien Linh Cao; Barthelmes, Lukas; Gnann, Till; Speth, Daniel; Kagerbauer, Martin
2021Perception of monetary and non-monetary effects on the energy transition: Results of a mixed method approachBurghard, Uta; Breitschopf, Barbara; Wohlfarth, Katharina; Müller, Fabian; Keil, Julia
2021An overview of implemented and planned policy instruments to decarbonize basic material industries in GermanyFleiter, Tobias; Lotz, Meta Thurid; Arens, Marlene; Schlomann, Barbara
2020How effective are EU minimum energy performance standards and energy labels for cold appliances?Schleich, Joachim; Durand, Antoine; Brugger, Heike
2020Poor energy ratings when appliances convey?Faure, Corinne; Schleich, Joachim
2020Nachhaltige Automobilwirtschaft: Strategien für eine erfolgreiche TransformationGrimm, Anna; Doll, Claus; Hacker, Florian; Minnich, Lukas
2020Social acceptance of electric mobility in GermanyBurghard, Uta; Scherrer, Aline; Dütschke, Elisabeth; Globisch, Joachim
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 191
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