Working Papers "Sustainability and Innovation", Fraunhofer ISI

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 191
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2020Wie könnte ein Tankstellenaufbau für Brennstoffzellen-Lkw in Deutschland aussehen?Rose, Philipp; Wietschel, Martin; Gnann, Till
2020The heat is off! The role of technology attributes and individual attitudes in the diffusion of smart thermostats: Findings from multi-country surveyTu, Gengyang; Faure, Corinne; Schleich, Joachim; Guetlein, Marie-Charlotte
2020Synthetisches Methan für Lkw und Schiffe: Akteurslandschaft und Marktentwicklungsvoraussetzungen in Deutschland. Zwischenergebnisse der Akzeptanzforschung im Projekt MethSysScherrer, Aline; Burghard, Uta
2020Sharing Economy in der Mobilität: Potenzielle Nutzung und Akzeptanz geteilter Mobilitätsdienste in urbanen Räumen in DeutschlandKrauss, Konstantin; Scherrer, Aline; Burghard, Uta; Schuler, Johannes; Burger, Axel Michael; Doll, Claus
2020Ein Update zur Klimabilanz von ElektrofahrzeugenWietschel, Martin
2020Border crossings to neighboring countries: Analysis of the opportunities and challenges of catenary trucks for freight transport to neighboring regions of Baden-WuerttembergWietschel, Martin; Burghard, Uta; Plötz, Patrick
2020Schnittstellen zum angrenzenden Ausland: Analyse der Chancen und Herausforderungen von Oberleitungs-Lkw für den Gütertransport in angrenzenden Regionen von Baden-WürttembergWietschel, Martin; Burghard, Uta; Plötz, Patrick
2020Household preferences for new heating systems: Insights from a multi-country discrete choice experimentSchleich, Joachim; Faure, Corinne; Guetlein, Marie-Charlotte; Tu, Gengyang
2020Effects of rescaling the EU energy label on household preferences for top-rated appliancesFaure, Corinne; Guetlein, Marie-Charlotte; Schleich, Joachim
2020Active or passive? Companies' use of the EU ETSSchleich, Joachim; Lehmann, Sascha; Cludius, Johanna; Abrell, Jan; Betz, Regina Annette; Pinkse, Jonatan
2020Energy integration across electricity, heating & cooling and the transport sector - Sector couplingWietschel, Martin; Held, Anne; Pfluger, Benjamin; Ragwitz, Mario
2020Decreasing costs of renewables: Insights on energy sector planning and climate policy from three country case studiesEckstein, Johannes; Kurdziel, Marie-Jeanne; Castro, Leonardo Nascimento; Ordonez, Jose Antonio
2020Decreasing costs of renewables: Implications for Indonesia's climate targetsEckstein, Johannes; Ordonez, Jose Antonio; Wachsmuth, Jakob
2020Decreasing costs of renewables: Analysis of energy sector planning and climate policy in IndonesiaOrdonez, Jose Antonio; Eckstein, Johannes
2020Decreasing costs of renewables: Analysis of energy sector planning and climate policy in MexicoEckstein, Johannes; Kurdziel, Marie-Jeanne; Ordonez, Jose Antonio
2020Decreasing costs of renewables: Implications for Mexico's climate targetsEckstein, Johannes; Ordonez, Jose Antonio; Wachsmuth, Jakob
2019Moral licensing and rebound effects in the residential lighting area: An experimental studyEberling, Elisabeth; Dütschke, Elisabeth; Eckartz, Katharina Marie; Schuler, Johannes
2019Fairness- and cost-effectiveness-based approaches to effort-sharing under the Paris agreementWachsmuth, Jakob; Denishchenkova, Alexandra; Fekete, Hanna; Parra, Paola; Schaeffer, Michiel; Ancygier, Andrzej; Sferra, Fabio
2019Conveyance and the moderating effect of envy on homeowners' choice of appliancesSchleich, Joachim; Faure, Corinne; Guetlein, Marie-Charlotte; Tu, Gengyang
2019Environmental product innovations and the digital transformation of production: Analysing the influence that digitalising production has on generating environmental product innovationsGotsch, Matthias; Kelnhofer, Anton; Jäger, Angela
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 191
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