Browsing All of EconStor by Year of Publication 2012

Showing results 41 to 60 of 10581
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012The economics of griefvan den Berg, Gerard J.; Lundborg, Petter; Vikström, Johan
2012Postwar Youth Violence: A Mirror of the Relationship between Youth and Adult SocietyKurtenbach, Sabine
2012Form follows function? Evidence on tax savings by multinational holding structuresDreßler, Daniel
2012The Visible Hand: National Oil Companies, Oil Supply and the Ermergence of the Hotelling RentLudwig, Markus
2012Private foundations and development cooperation: insights from TanzaniaLundsgaarde, Erik; Funk, Evelyn; Kopyra, Anja; Richter, Jennifer; Steinfeldt, Hannah
2012How financial incentives induce disability insurance recipients to return to workKostøl, Andreas Ravndal; Mogstad, Magne
2012FinanztransaktionssteuerMertins, Verena
2012Why do farmers behave as they do? Understanding compliance with rural, agricultural, and food attribute standardsHerzfeld, Thomas; Jongeneel, Roel
2012Aktuelle Trends: Der Geldmultiplikator: Eingeschränkte Geldschöpfung im Euroraum und in den USAEl-Shagi, Makram
2012Labor market conditions and self-employment: A Denmark-Spain comparisonCarrasco, Raquel; Ejrnæs, Mette
2012Financial markets and international risk sharing in emerging market economicsSchmitz, Martin
2012A nonparametric test of the leverage hypothesisLinton, Oliver; Whang, Yoon-Jae; Yen, Yu-Min
2012Informed-principal problems in environments with generalized private valuesMylovanov, Timofiy; Tröger, Thomas
2012Persistence and cycles in the US federal funds rateCaporale, Guglielmo Maria; Gil-Alana, Luis A.
2012Are Uzbeks better off than Kyrgyz? Measuring and decomposing horizontal inequalityEsenaliev, Damir; Steiner, Susan
2012Interest-Rate Rules in a New Keynesian Framework with InvestmentPavlova, Elena
2012Competition for migrants in a federation: Tax or transfer competition?Köthenbürger, Marko
2012The Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Ukraine: Conceptual background, economic context and potential impactDabrowski, Marek; Taran, Svitlana
2012Zu den Budgetzielen in den Anpassungsprogrammen für GriechenlandBoysen-Hogrefe, Jens
2012Globalization and the (mis)governance of nationsBlouin, Arthur; Ghosal, Sayantan; Mukand, Sharun