Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | Feasibility Study for a Curriculum Comparison in Vocational Education and Training. Intermediary Report I: The 20 Top Performers | Renold, Ursula; Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine; Rageth, Ladina; Agarwal, Vipul; Pusterla, Filippo |
2016 | From bright spots to a system: Measuring education-employment linkage in Colorado career and technical education | Renold, Ursula; Caves, Katherine; Bolli, Thomas; Buergi, Jutta |
2016 | Center on the Economics and Management of Education and Training Systems (CEMETS). Intermediary Research Report | Caves, Katherine; Renold, Ursula |
2016 | The employer's dilemma: Employer engagement and progress in vocational education and training reforms | Caves, Katherine; Renold, Ursula |
2016 | Feasibility Study for a Curriculum Comparison in Vocational Education and Training. Intermediary Report II: Education-Employment Linkage Index | Renold, Ursula; Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine; Bürgi, Jutta; Egg, Maria Esther; Kemper, Johanna; Rageth, Ladina |
2017 | Constitutional reform and its impact on TVET governance in Nepal: A report in support of developing understanding and finding the way forward for federalizing the TVET sector in Nepal | Renold, Ursula; Caves, Katherine |
2017 | Training for growth: Skills shortage and companies' willingness to train in Colorado. An application of the KOF Willingness to Train Survey | Renold, Ursula; Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine; Buergi, Jutta |
2017 | Comparing international vocational education and training programs: The KOF Education-Employment Linkage Index. Includes a special section on applying the KOF EELI to VET policy | Renold, Ursula; Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine; Bürgi, Jutta; Egg, Maria Esther; Kemper, Johanna; Rageth, Ladina |
2018 | Getting there from here: A literature review of VET reform implementation | Caves, Katherine; Baumann, Severin |
2018 | System of opportunity: Permeable education and training in Colorado | Caves, Katherine; Renold, Ursula; Backes-Gellner, Uschi |
2018 | Constitutional reform and its impact on TVET governance in Nepal: Second report in support of developing understanding and finding the way forward for federalising the TVET sector in Nepal | Renold, Ursula; Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine |
2019 | Governance im Berufsbildungssystem Schweiz: Systemische Steuerung des schweizerischen Berufsbildungssystems | Renold, Ursula; Caves, Katherine; Oswald-Egg, Maria Esther |
2019 | Meeting in the middle: TVET programs' education-employment linkage in developing contexts | Caves, Katherine; Ghisletta, Andrea; Renold, Ursula; Kemper, Johanna |
2019 | Implementation of the Serbian law on dual education: First report on drivers and barriers in the pre-implementation phase | Renold, Ursula; Caves, Katherine; Maldonado-Mariscal, Karina; Oswald-Egg, Maria Esther; Markovic, Jasminka; Veselinovic, Zaklina; Stankovic, Dejan; Ceneric, Ivana; Todorovic, Milica |
2019 | Valuable experience: How internships affect university graduates' income | Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine; Oswald-Egg, Maria Esther |
2019 | Theoretical and methodological framework for measuring the robustness of social institutions in education and training | Renold, Ursula; Rageth, Ladina; Caves, Katherine; Buergi, Jutta |
2019 | External evaluation: National Vocational Qualifications System project | Caves, Katherine; Renold, Ursula |
2020 | Storming and forming: A case study of education policy implementation | Caves, Katherine; Oswald-Egg, Maria Esther |
2023 | An empirical case of education policy implementation in Serbian VET | Caves, Katherine; Oswald-Egg, Maria Esther |