Browsing All of EconStor by Author Rickels, Wilfried

Showing results 21 to 40 of 59
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2013The rich, the clean, and the kind - a comprehensive wealth index for cities applied to the case of GermanyDovern, Jonas; Quaas, Martin; Rickels, Wilfried
2014Price and market behavior in Phase II of the EU ETSHintermann, Beat; Peterson, Sonja; Rickels, Wilfried
2015Indicators for monitoring sustainable development goals: An application to oceanic development in the EURickels, Wilfried; Dovern, Jonas; Hoffmann, Julia; Quaas, Martin; Schmidt, Jörn; Visbeck, Martin
2015Radiation Management: Gezielte Beeinflussung des globalen Strahlungshaushalts zur Kontrolle des anthropogenen KlimawandelsDovern, Jonas; Harnisch, Sebastian; Klepper, Gernot; Platt, Ulrich; Oschlies, Andreas; Rickels, Wilfried
2016Indicators for monitoring sustainable development goals: An application to oceanic development in the European UnionRickels, Wilfried; Dovern, Jonas; Hoffmann, Julia; Quaas, Martin F.; Schmidt, Jörn O.; Visbeck, Martin
2016Herausforderung Climate Engineering: Bewertung neuer Optionen für den KlimaschutzKlepper, Gernot; Dovern, Jonas; Rickels, Wilfried; Barben, Daniel; Goeschl, Timo; Harnisch, Sebastian; Heyen, Daniel; Janich, Nina; Maas, Achim; Matzner, Nils; Scheffran, Jürgen; Uther, Stephanie
2017Challenges and Opportunities for Integrated Modeling of Climate EngineeringTavoni, Massimo; Bosetti, Valentina; Shayegh, Soheil; Drouet, Laurent; Emmerling, Johannes; Fuß, Sabine; Goeschl, Timo; Guivarch, Celine; Lontzek, Thomas S.; Manoussi, Vassiliki; Moreno Cruz, Juan; Muri, Helene; Quaas, Martin F.; Rickels, Wilfried
2017Indicators and Metrics for the Assessment of Climate EngineeringOschlies, Andreas; Held, Hermann; Keller, David; Keller, Klaus; Mengis, Nadine; Quaas, Martin; Rickels, Wilfried; Schmidt, Hauke
2018Turning the global thermostat - who, when, and how much?Rickels, Wilfried; Quaas, Martin F.; Ricke, Kate; Quaas, Johannes; Moreno Cruz, Juan; Smulders, Sjak
2018Integrated Assessment of Carbon Dioxide RemovalRickels, Wilfried; Reith, Fabian; Keller, David; Oschlies, Andreas; Quaas, Martin F.
2018Maritime Wertschöpfung in Schleswig-Holstein: Einsichten und Implikationen aus dem OCED-Report "The Ocean Economy in 2030"Bednarz, Lena-Katharina; Rickels, Wilfried
2018Does the European Union achieve comprehensive blue growth? Progress of EU coastal states in the Baltic and North Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean against sustainable development Goal 14Rickels, Wilfried; Weigand, Christian; Grasse, Patricia; Schmidt, Jörn Oliver; Voss, Rüdiger
2019Schrittweise zu einem umfassenden europäischen EmissionshandelRickels, Wilfried; Peterson, Sonja; Felbermayr, Gabriel
2019Does the European Union achieve comprehensive blue growth? Progress of EU coastal states in the Baltic and North Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean against sustainable development goal 14Rickels, Wilfried; Weigand, Christian; Grasse, Patricia; Schmidt, Jörn; Voss, Rüdiger
2019(Mis)conceptions about modeling of negative emissions technologiesRickels, Wilfried; Merk, Christine; Reith, Fabian; Keller, David P.; Oschlies, Andreas
2019Welche Rolle spielen negative Emissionen für die zukünftige Klimapolitik?Rickels, Wilfried; Merk, Christine; Honneth, Johannes; Schwinger, Jörg; Quaas, Martin; Oschlies, Andreas
2019Welche Rolle spielen negative Emissionen für die zukünftige Klimapolitik? Eine ökonomische Einschätzung des 1,5°C-Sonderberichts des WeltklimaratsRickels, Wilfried; Merk, Christine; Honneth, Johannes; Schwinger, Jörg; Quaas, Martin F.; Oschlies, Andreas
2019Turning the Global Thermostat—Who, When, and How Much?Rickels, Wilfried; Quaas, Martin; Ricke, Kate; Quaas, Johannes; Moreno-Cruz, Juan; Smulders, Sjak
2019Climate Engineering-induced changes in correlations between Earth system variables - Implications for appropriate indicator selectionMengis, Nadine; Keller, David P.; Rickels, Wilfried; Quaas, Martin; Oschlies, Andreas
2020The future of (negative) emissions trading in the European UnionRickels, Wilfried; Proelß, Alexander; Geden, Oliver; Burhenne, Julian; Fridahl, Mathias