Diskussionsschriften, Departement Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Bern

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 197
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024The slanted-L Phillips curveBenigno, Pierpaolo; Eggertsson, Gauti B.
2024Estimating the welfare costs of very high inflations and hyperinflationsBenati, Luca; Nicolini, Juan Pablo
2024Quantifying trade from Renaissance merchant lettersGatti, Fabio
2024The effect of higher out-of-pocket payments on drug prices and demandLoetscher, Fabienne; Schmid, Christian; Gerfin, Michael
2024Truth by consensus: A theoretical and empirical investigationCamera, Gabriele; Garratt, Rod; Monnet, Cyril
2024Time is knowledge: What response times revealBenkert, Jean-Michel; Liu, Shuo; Netzer, Nick
2024A theory of recommendationsBenkert, Jean-Michel; Schmutzler, Armin
2023Life-cycle inequality: The black and white differentialDe Giorgi, Giacomo; Gambetti, Luca; Naguib, Costanza
2023Impulse response analysis at the zero lower boundBenati, Luca; Lubik, Thomas A.
2023Participatory teaching improves learning outcomes: Evidence from a field experiment in TanzaniaJakob, Martina; Büchel, Konstantin; Steffen, Daniel; Brunetti, Aymo
2023The monetary dynamics of hyperinflation reconsideredBenati, Luca
2023Forecasting global temperatures by exploiting cointegration with radiative forcingBenati, Luca
2023Gibson's paradox and the natural rate of interestBenati, Luca; Benigno, Pierpaolo
2023Fragility of secured credit chainsGottardi, Piero; Maurin, Vincent; Monnet, Cyril
2023Startup acquisitions: Acquihires and talent hoardingBenkert, Jean-Michel; Letina, Igor; Liu, Shuo
2023A semi-nonparametric copula model for earnings mobilityNaguib, Costanza; Gagliardini, Patrick
2023On the relationship between adaptation and mitigationWinkler, Ralph
2023The international supply of reserve currencyBenigno, Pierpaolo
2023Is the impact of opening the borders heterogeneous?Naguib, Costanza
2023Optimal epidemic controlGonzales-Eiras, Martín; Niepelt, Dirk
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 197