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Ergebnisse 1-10 von 17.
2011Leadership and productivity in transition: Employees' view in Serbia
In: Band: 16, 2011, Heft: 3, S. 251-263
Pecujlija, Mladen; Azemovic, Nedzad; Azemovic, Resad; Cosic, Dorde
In: Band: 16, 2011, Heft: 1, S. 5-6
Rybnikova, Irma; Lang, Rainhart
2011Strategic fit between business strategies in the postacquisition period and acquisition performance
In: Band: 16, 2011, Heft: 4, S. 358-370
Lahovnik, Matej
2011Determinants of share-based compensation plans in Central and Eastern European public companies: An institutional analysis
In: Band: 16, 2011, Heft: 4, S. 338-357
Festing, Marion; Sahakiants, Ihar
2011Subsidiary evolution in a transition economy: Kemira GrowHow in the Russian fertilizer market
In: Band: 16, 2011, Heft: 1, S. 9-30
Golikova, Viktorija V.; Karhunen, Päivi; Kosonen, Riitta
2011Job satisfaction and turnover under the effect of personorganization fit in Albanian public organizations
In: Band: 16, 2011, Heft: 4, S. 315-337
Kasimati, Mimoza
2011An empirical assessment of individual-level determinants of social capital in Central European countries
In: Band: 16, 2011, Heft: 3, S. 237-250
Mondéjar Jiménez, José; Mondéjar-Jiménez, Juan-Antonio; Meseguer-Santamaría, María-Leticia; Vargas Vargas, Manuel
2011Coping with the market: Are there cohort effects for organisations in transition?
In: Band: 16, 2011, Heft: 1, S. 54-74
Wyrwich, Michael; Krause, Ina
2011To stay or leave: Motives behind the decisions of graduate programs' trainees' in European and Russian companies
In: Band: 16, 2011, Heft: 2, S. 140-161
Latukha, Marina
2011A managerial perspective of dynamic capabilities in emerging markets: The case of the Russian steel industry
In: Band: 16, 2011, Heft: 3, S. 215-236
Ludwig, Gregory; Pemberton, Jon