Cardiff Economics Working Papers, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University

ISSN: 1749-6101

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 460
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2025Wealth inequality, entrepreneurship and aggregate output: A tale of two centuries in the UKYang, Xiaoliang; Zhou, Peng; Dong, Xue
2025Determination of urban land value: A systematic literature reviewZhou, Peng; Gai, Yue; Wang, Chaowei
2025Open innovation and entrepreneurship: A review from the perspective of sustainable business modelsHuang, Jiayi; Zhou, Peng
2024A note rebutting the recent Cambridge Econometrics assessment of Brexit on the UK and London economies: Commissioned by London Mayor KhanMinford, Patrick
2024Indirect inference: A methodological essay on its role and applicationsMinford, Patrick; Xu, Yongdeng
2024The intergenerational effect of parental health shocks on adult children fertility decisions in ChinaQi, Shouwei; Li, Xiang; Matthews, Kent
2024SME relationship banking and loan contracting: Survey-based evidence from ChinaLu, Shun; Glushenkova, Marina; Huang, Wei; Matthews, Kent
2024Imperfect financial markets and the cyclicality of social spendingFroemel, Maren; Paczos, Wojtek
2024Domestic and foreign sovereign debt stabilityTorres, Leonardo Barros; Paczos, Wojtek; Shakhnov, Kirill
2024Sovereign debt issuance and selective defaultPaczos, Wojtek; Shakhnov, Kirill
2024Inflation persistence in the UK 1993-2019: From months to yearsDixon, Huw; Li, Yiyi; Meenagh, David; Tian, Maoshan
2024Household income expectations: The role of shocks and aggregate conditionsBucciol, Alessandro; Easaw, Joshy Z.; Trucchi, Serena
2024Impact of COVID-19 vaccinations on UK stock marketLu, Chengyue; Paczos, Wojtek
2024A high-frequency digital economy index: Text analysis and factor analysis based on big dataXu, Yonghong; Su, Bingjie; Pan, Wenjie; Zhou, Peng
2024Does the fiscal theory of the price level explain US postwar behaviour?Le, Vo Phuong Mai; Meenagh, David; Minford, Patrick; Wickens, Michael R.
2024Make lectures match how we learn: The nonlinear teaching approach to economicsZhou, Peng
2024Fiscal sustainability and policy interactionsBianchi, Francesco; Callegari, Giovanni; Hitaj, Ermal; Theodoridis, Konstantinos
2024Non-linear dynamics of oil supply news shocksMiescu, Mirela; Mumtaz, Haroon; Theodoridis, Konstantinos
2024Asymmetric information and credit rationing in a model of searchSelcuk, Cemil
2024Choices and effects of different green labels in the EU bond marketZhou, Peng; Jin, Shijie; Mazouz, Khelifa; Ding, Wenjie
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 460