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21st European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS): "Telecommunications at New Crossroads: Changing Value Configurations, User Roles, and Regulation", Copenhagen, Denmark, 13th-15th September 2010 No. 6
International Telecommunications Society (ITS), Calgary
The value of the polish mobile phone market (MPM) was rising steadily since its beginning. The year 2009 was the first year when the value of that market fell down by 2,5%. It was caused by the forced regulation introduced by the Office of Electronic Communications, (the polish telecommunication market regulation authority) regarding the Mobile Termination Rates (MTR) decrease. According to the forecasts, the value of the polish MPM will be rising, beside the decrease of value in the year 2009, and the market is characterized by a steadily growing number of users, increasing volume of calls and increasing total calls duration. Already in 2007 the so called nominal penetration of this market exceeded 100%. The second characteristic feature of MPM in Poland is the maintenance of its oligopolistic structure with the clear domination of three companies, which have rich, strategic foreign investors, are holding over 30% of market share of the MPM in Poland, and they are not interested in price competition. The article shows, that beside the oligopolistic MPM and huge entrance barriers, new players are showing up. Those new players can be divided into: - operators building own telecommunication networks, - virtual operator (which don't have its own telecommunication network).
Polish Mobile Phone Market
Conference Paper

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