Zusammenfassung (übersetzt):
The rise in foreign direct investment flowing to developing countries has created high expectations that, by drawing on this source of external financing, developing countries could initiate or accelerate processes of economic catching-up to advanced industrialized countries. By contrast, the public in advanced countries such as Germany is increasingly concerned that the relocation of production and the outsourcing of inputs by multinational enterprises add significantly to domestic labor market problems. A critical review of the literature and own empirical analyses suggest, however, that both views have to be qualified in major respects. As concerns developing host countries, it appears to be more difficult to derive macroeconomic benefits from foreign direct investment than to attract it. The labor market repercussions in advanced home countries are fairly complex. While relocation and outsourcing are important means to support the international competitiveness of domestic enterprises, the employment prospects and the relative wages of less qualified workers are likely to deteriorate.