Violette Reihe: Schriftenreihe des Promotionsschwerpunkts "Globalisierung und Beschäftigung", Universität Hohenheim, Universität Oldenburg, Evangelisches Studienwerk

ISSN: 1618-5358

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 51
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2016-09Living standards in Lower Canada, 1831Geloso, Vincent; Kufenko, Vadim; Villeneuve, Remy
2016-03Spurious periodicities in cliometric series: Simultaneous testingKufenko, Vadim
2016Demographic change and regional convergence in CanadaGeloso, Vincent; Kufenko, Vadim; Prettner, Klaus
2016Monopsony and industrial development in nineteenth century Quebec: The impact of seigneurial tenureArsenault Morin, Alex; Geloso, Vincent; Kufenko, Vadim
2015Infant mortality and the role of seigneurial tenure in Canada East, 1851Arsenault Morin, Alex; Geloso, Vincent; Kufenko, Vadim
2015Business cycles in the economy and in economics: An econometric analysisGeiger, Niels; Kufenko, Vadim
2015The formal-informal economy dualism in a retrospective of economic thought since the 1940sClement, Christine
2015Stylized facts of the business cycle: Universal phenomenon, or institutionally determined?Kufenko, Vadim; Geiger, Niels
2015Malthusian pressures: Empirical evidence from a frontier economyGeloso, Vincent; Kufenko, Vadim
2014-09The rise of behavioural economics: A quantitative assessmentGeiger, Niels
2014-07Wachstums- und Investitionsdynamik in DeutschlandHagemann, Harald; Erber, Georg; Geiger, Niels; Schwarzer, Johannes; Zwiessler, Oliver
2014-05The role of Old Believers' enterprises: Evidence from the nineteenth century Moscow textile industryRaskov, Danila; Kufenko, Vadim
2014-01The political Kuznets curve for Russia: Income inequality, rent seeking regional elites and empirical determinants of protests during 2011/2012Hagemann, Harald; Kufenko, Vadim
2012-07Wachstums- und Investitionsdynamik in DeutschlandErber, Georg; Hagemann, Harald
2012-06Grenzen der Bildungsexpansion? Ausbildungsinadäquate Beschäftigung von Ausbildungs- und Hochschulabsolventen in DeutschlandRukwid, Ralf
2012Empirical analysis of regional economic performance in Russia: Human capital perspectiveKufenko, Vadim
2011-12Instability, economic stagnation and the role of islam in the North CaucasusDobler, Constanze
2011-12Economic growth in the post-socialist Russian Federation after 1991: The role of InstitutionsDobler, Constanze; Hagemann, Harald
2011-07An equilibrium model of 'global imbalances' revisitedKörner, Finn Marten
2010-04Geographic concentration and spatial inequality: Two decades of EPO patenting at the level of European micro regionsChrist, Julian P.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 51
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