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Series/Report no.: 
Discussion Paper No. 01/2021
Europa-Kolleg Hamburg, Institute for European Integration, Hamburg
Nowadays, humanity encounters many problems connected to the use of natural resources. International actors have established diverse global initiatives and regional and national legal reforms linked to the issue. Thus, this study provides a comparison of selected provisions regarding information disclosure orders of the EITI Standard 2019 and the EU Directives. The paper presents a descriptive comparison of two prominent legal mechanisms enhancing good governance in the extractive industries sector: The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (hereafter the EITI) and the EU Directives. Moreover, the study briefly discusses the meaning of the good governance concept and the significance of the principles of transparency as a tool to strengthen fiscal and non-fiscal accountability in the extractive industries sector. The author argues that developing resource-rich countries should join the EITI and support the initiative by implementing legal mechanisms promoting good governance in the natural resources sector. The findings of the study are summarised in the conclusion.
The EU Directives
the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
the EITI Standard 2019
sustainable development
good governance
natural resources sector
Document Type: 
Working Paper

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