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Year of Publication: 
Series/Report no.: 
PhD Series No. 42.2013
Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Frederiksberg
Increasing globalization and technological development has led companies and people across the globe to connect through the global internet community. However, people with different cultural backgrounds may perceive the same information in different ways. One of the hurdles to use websites efficiently is the indifferent structures of information on website, and their relation with the characteristics of intended users and the context of use for the websites. The purpose of this dissertation is to assist HumanNComputer Interaction (HCI) practitioners and researchers with better design of website structures for user groups with different cultural backgrounds. This dissertation looks into issues related to website user experience (UX) and focus on how the structuring of information is seen from local users’ perspectives. In particular, it attempts to look into the alignment between websites’ information architecture (IA) and users’ views of website information structure, by applying a crossNcultural and context of use perspective on the UX of websites in three countries: Pakistan, Malaysia, and Denmark. The researcher investigates to what degree users’ cognitive styles and contexts of use are aligned with local websites’ information architecture, and how this (lack of) alignment shapes the resulting UX.
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Document Type: 
Doctoral Thesis

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