Discussion Papers, Research Department, Statistics Norway

ISSN: 0809-733X

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1016
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2025Innovation outcomes of public R&D support: A new approach to identifying output additionalityIversen, Eric; Raknerud, Arvid; Klemetsen, Marit; Bye, Brita
2024Optimal carbon taxes and foreign aidBjertnæs, Geir H. M.
2024Measures against carbon leakage: Combining output-based allocation with consumption taxesBöhringer, Christoph; Rosendahl, Knut Einar; Storrøsten, Halvor Briseid
2024Assessing fire hazard in coastal heathlands: Predicted impacts of weather, land use and managementHalvorsen, Bente; Grimsrud, Kristine M.
2024Micro and macro evidence of the relationship between income mobility and taxationCappelen, Ådne; Hattrem, Aurora G.; Thoresen, Thor Olav
2024Identifying demand elasticity via heteroscedasticity: A panel GMM approach to estimation and inferencevon Brasch, Thomas; Raknerud, Arvid; Vigtel, Trond C.
2024EU's carbon border adjustment mechanism CBAM: Industrial effectsBye, Brita; Kaushal, Kevin R.; Storrøsten, Halvor Briseid
2024Getting back on track: Forecasting after extreme observationsBoug, Pål; Hungnes, Håvard; Kurita, Takamitsu
2024The role of oil prices in Norwegian petroleum investments: An empirical studySkretting, Julia
2024Hedonic regression models for housing tax valuationBø, Erlend Eide; Nygård, Odd Erik; Thoresen, Thor Olav
2024Macroeconomic and industry effects of supply-side climate policy: Dutch disease in reverse?Cappelen, Ådne; Jasinski, Marek; Hungnes, Håvard; Skretting, Julia
2023Emission regulation: Prices, quantities and hybrids with endogenous technology choiceStorrøsten, Halvor Briseid
2023Taxation of the rich and the cost of raising tax revenueBjertnæs, Geir H. M.
2023The LOTTE system of tax microsimulation modelsJia, Zhiyang; Larsen, Bodil M.; Lian, Bård; Nesbakken, Runa; Nygård, Odd E.; Thoresen, Thor Olav; Vattø, Trine Engh
2023Long-term effects of school spending: Evidence from exiting cohort size variationLangørgen, Audun; Løkken, Sturla Andreas
2023A new approach to estimating private returns to R&DCappelen, Ådne; Mohnen, Pierre A.; Raknerud, Arvid; Rybalka, Marina
2023Moving beyond expectations: From cohort-component to microsimulation projectionsJia, Zhiyang; Leknes, Stefan; Løkken, Sturla Andreas
2023U.S. tight oil supply flexibility: A multivariate dynamic model for production and rig activityStorrøsten, Halvor Briseid
2023Reconciling estimates of the long-term earnings effect of fertilityBensnes, Simon; Huitfeldt, Ingrid; Leuven, Edwin
2023Controlling for fixed effects in studies of income underreportingNygård, Odd E.; Thoresen, Thor Olav
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1016