This paper aims to evaluate whether schools with better National Exams scores are located in regions NUTs III with greater purchasing power. Accordingly, we analyze the evolution of the ranking of schools in light of the purchasing power of the regions where they are located. Using data collected in the media, related to school rankings by region for 2008 and 2014; and in Pordata database for regional purchasing power in 2007 and 2011; we calculate location and specialization measures and perform a shift-share analysis of the regions. The results indicate that schools located in regions with very high and high purchasing power rank first; and both structural and regional changes were positive. A notable exception is the region of Alto Alentejo with a medium purchasing power. In contrast, regions with low purchasing power showed negative structural and regional changes. These results indicate that, although there may have been an improvement in a region of medium purchasing power, the gap between regions of low and high purchasing power has been perpetuated.