University of Göttingen Working Papers in Economics, cege - Centrum für Europa-, Governance- und Entwicklungsforschung, Universität Göttingen

ISSN: 1439-2305

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 433
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2022Policy incentives and determinants of citizens' COVID-19 vaccination motivesKeser, Claudia; Rau, Holger A.
2022How to reduce vaccination hesitancy? The relevance of evidence and its communicatorEger, Jens; Kaplan, Lennart; Sternberg, Henrike
2022Automation and the fall and rise of the servant economyKrenz, Astrid; Strulik, Holger
2022A health economic theory of occupational choice, aging, and longevityStrulik, Holger
2021Charitable giving: Framing and the role of informationKeser, Claudia; Späth, Maximilian
2021The team allocator game: Allocation power in public goods gamesKarakostas, Alexandros; Kocher, Martin; Matzat, Dominik; Rau, Holger A.; Riewe, Gerhard
2021The impact of local and foreign automation on labor market outcomes in emerging countriesDiaz Pavez, Luis R.; Martínez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada
2021Hooked on weight control: An economic theory of anorexia nervosa, and its impact on health and longevityStrulik, Holger
2021The hidden cost of profit sharing on participation in employee stock purchase plansHennig, Jan Christoph; Hullmann, Rieke; Rau, Holger A.; Wolff, Michael
2021Fiscal prudence: It's all in the timing - Estimating time-varying fiscal policy reaction functions for core EU countriesBerger, Tino; Dubbert, Tore; Schoonackers, Ruben
2021Self-employment and subjective well-beingBinder, Martin; Blankenberg, Ann-Kathrin
2021Can role models influence female's decision to participate in the labor market? Evidence from a field experimentMartini, Christina; Urueña, Viviana
2021The dependence between income inequality and carbon emissions: A distributional copula analysisDorn, Franziska; Maxand, Simone; Kneib, Thomas
2021Combining knowledge bases for system innovation in regions: Insights from an East German case studyFriedrich, Christoph; Feser, Daniel
2021A unified approach for jointly estimating the business and financial cycle, and the role of financial factorsBerger, Tino; Richter, Julia; Wong, Benjamin
2021Business flies: The trade promoting effect of air connectivityWang, Feicheng; Wang, Zheng; Zhou, Zhou
2021Modeling inter-regional patient mobility: Does distance go far enough?Irlacher, Michael; Pennerstorfer, Dieter; Renner, Anna-Theresa; Unger, Florian
2021Expected neediness and the formation of mutual support arrangements: Evidence from the PhilippinesLenel, Friederike
2021Import competition and informal employment: Empirical evidence from ChinaWang, Feicheng; Liang, Zhe; Lehmann, Hartmut
2021"Reversed favoritism" - Resolving the puzzle of discriminatory taxation in African agricultureKaplan, Lennart
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 433
Also listed in RePEc / EconPapers