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38th Congress of the European Regional Science Association: "Europe Quo Vadis? - Regional Questions at the Turn of the Century", 28 August - 1 September 1998, Vienna, Austria
European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Louvain-la-Neuve
At the Tatarstan Republic (Russia) there used the programms of socio-economical, ecologo-economical, informational etc. development and recreation at the level of global, federal and regional scales which should begin to work, in order to elaborate general ecologo-economical policy by means of conception of balanced state and stable development of a region. As a model expression of the conception becomes "Ecologo- Geographical Atlas of the Tatarstan Republic" providing integral, complete and balanced views of the environmental condition. The work is conducted with "floating" set of geographical information (indicators) which allows to stress a specificity of objects. The procedure permits to elaborate system of diagnostic indicators. Its goal - to obtain such interconnected set of indicators for each unit (operational-territorial unit, or OTU) that is will show the greatest distinction with other OTU of the totality. System of indications is chosen so that it reflects all aspects of complex socio-ecologo-economical state and situations of the region and with the help of our special method it is transformated into the corresponding regional syndrom for every region. On the whole, the Atlas gives a perspective sight of reflection of the present day ecologo-economical condition and orients specialists and authorities to take timly and effective management decisions in the field of regional policy.
Conference Paper

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