ERSA 2010 - 50th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Jönköping, 2010

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 519
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2010Trust in safe public e-services: Translating policies into use.Bernhard, Irene; Wihlborg, Elin
2010"Regional inequalities and localist movements: relational complexities beyond linear determination"Kapitsinis, Nikolaos; Karampini, Eleftheria; Bakratsa, Fani; Nikolakopoulou, Xristina
2010War and cities: how do conflicts affect urban growth dynamics?Dimou, Michel
2010The Effect of Municipal Strategic Planning on Urban Growth in UkraineNizalov, Denys
2010Lack of knowledge networking? The role of discontinuity in the post socialist countries.Rehak, Stefan
2010SOCIAL CAPITAL AND ITS INFLUENCE ON RURAL CREDIT MARKETDaruge, Fernando Perrini; De Souza Lima, Roberto Arruda
2010Zipf's Law in Hierarchically Ordered Open SystemZipser, Tadeusz; Mlek, Magdalena; Zipser, Wawrzyniec
2010Crowding out the freight handling of the city centers during economic boostJean-Hansen, Viggo
2010The importance of spatial autocorrelation for regional employment growth in GermanyZierahn, Ulrich
2010DEMETER: an original reasoning to assess and control the loss of agricultural land related to the urban sprawl.Gouee, Patrick Le
2010On the Difficulty of Comparing the Spatial Distribution of Service Industries Across Nations: Contrasting Spain and Canada. Preliminary resultsPolése, Mario; Rubiera-Morollon, Fernando
2010Contrasting socio-economic systems in the trans-border regions Andaluzia - AlgarveDominguez, J. Andres; Vaz, Teresa Noronha
2010The Emergence of New Regional Convergence Clubs in a Nordic and Baltic PerspectiveCornett, Andreas P.; Soerensen, Nils Karl
2010Regional Innovation Performances of Firms in PortugalGalindo, Purificación Vicente; de Noronha, Teresa; Nijkamp, Peter; Vaz, Eric de Noronha
2010Decomposition of labor earnings: an analysis between metropolitan regions and non-metropolitan regions in BrazilStaduto, Jefferson Andronio Ramundo; Hersen, Amarildo
2010An overview of accessibility measuresSilva, Mateus Araújo E; Kawamoto, Eiji
2010Growth Cycles -Transformation and regional developmentLundquist, Karl-Johan; Olander, Lars-Olof
2010The Determinants of Productivity Distribution across European RegionsFiaschi, Davide; Lavezzi, Andrea Mario; Parenti, Angela
2010Entrepreneurship among university graduatesHarsman, Bjorn; Daghbayshian, Zara
2010Determinants of Local Governments attitude towards Local Agenda 21: an empirical analysisBarrutia, Jose M; Echebarria, Carmen; Aguado, Itziar
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 519