[Contents] - Ayal Kimhi: Foreword. p.iii - List of contributors. p.ix - [A. The transition scene after 25 years] - Johan Swinnen, Kristine Van Herck, Liesbet Vranken: Twenty-five years of transition and European integration: Some observations on the governance of land markets in an integrated Europe. p.3 - Csaba Csaki, Attila Jambor: After the transition: The impact of EU Membership upon the agriculture of the New Member Countries. p.17 - Ulrich Koester: Markets and morality: The relevance for transforming the agricultural sector in transition countries. p.35 - Thomas Herzfeld, Thomas Glauben, Liesbeth Dries, Ramona Teuber: Agricultural labor adjustment and the impact of institutions: Panel Data Analysis. p.53 - [B. Country transition experiences] - William H. Meyers, Kateryna Goychuk: After 20 Years of transition in Ukraine, Will the market find a way? p.77 - Leonid A. Krasnozhon: Property rights in transition: Evidence from the 1999 reform in Ukraine. p.95 - Martin Petrick: Competition for land and labor among individual farms and agricultural enterprises: Evidence from Kazakhstan’s grain region. p.117 - Utkur Djanibekov, Kristof Van Assche, Daan Boezeman, Grace Villamor, Nodir Djanibekov: Revealing the role of agricultural contracts in rural livelihoods in Uzbekistan. p.141 - Zvi Lerman: Tajikistan’s vulnerability to climate change: An agricultural policy approach. p.159 - Ayal Kimhi: Land reform and its distributional implications: The case of Georgia. p.175 - [C. Trade] - Sandro Steinbach, Mariusz Rybak: The impact of the Soviet legacy on agri-food trade in the former Soviet Union. p.195 - David Sedik, Zvi Lerman, Vasilii Uzun: Agricultural policy in Russia and WTO accession. p.217 - [D. New structures: Agroholdings and cooperatives] - Alfons Balmann, Heinrich Hockmann, Karin Kataria, Franziska Schaft: What drives the growth of agroholdings? An analysis of Russian and Ukrainian experiences. p.251 - Yoav Kislev: Agricultural cooperatives in Israel: Past and present. p.281