Working Papers, Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (IfM) Bonn

ISSN: 2193-1860

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 62
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2024Regional entrepreneurship: Pain or gain for economic growth?Dienes, Christian; Schneck, Stefan; Wolter, Hans-Jürgen
2021Mittelstand policy after the pandemic - for a sustainable futureWelter, Friederike; Levering, Britta
2021Im Auge des Betrachters? Warum wir zwischen KMU und Mittelstand unterscheiden müssenPahnke, André; Welter, Friederike; Audretsch, David B.
2021Income loss among the self-employed: Implications for individual wellbeing and pandemic policy measuresSchneck, Stefan
2021Female and male entrepreneurs in Germany: How did the coronavirus pandemic affect their businesses?Kay, Rosemarie; Welter, Friederike
2020Moving contexts onto new roads: Clues from other disciplinesWelter, Friederike; Baker, Ted
2020Geographical contexts of entrepreneurship: Spaces, places and entrepreneurial agencyStam, Erik; Welter, Friederike
2020Contexts and gender: Looking back and thinking forwardWelter, Friederike
2020The Diana project: a legacy for research on gender in entrepreneurshipBrush, Candida G.; Greene, Patricia G.; Welter, Friederike
2020Contextualization of entrepreneurship research: Methodologies of the trendPaschke, Max; Müller, Anna
2019The German Mittelstand: Antithesis to the Silicon Valley entrepreneurship model?Pahnke, André; Welter, Friederike
2019Emotions and entrepreneurship education: State of the art and future research agendaPérez, Víctor Centeno; Kansikas, Juha
2019The effect of migrants' resource endowments on business performanceSchlepphorst, Susanne; Kay, Rosemarie; Nielen, Sebastian
2018A research note on entrepreneurs' financial commitment and crowdfunding successLöher, Jonas; Schneck, Stefan; Werner, Arndt
2018SMEs' responses to potentially disruptive innovations: Does strategic entrepreneurship provide an explanation?Kay, Rosemarie; Nielen, Sebastian; Schröder, Christian
2018Times are a changin'? The emergence of new firms and rank persistenceSchneck, Stefan
2018Brain-driven entrepreneurship research: Expanded review and research agenda towards entrepreneurial enhancementPérez-Centeno, Victor
2018The effect of self-employment on income inequalitySchneck, Stefan
2018The impact of firm performance on the business transfer modeKay, Rosemarie; Pahnke, André; Schlepphorst, Susanne
2017"It takes three to tango": Brain, cognition and entrepreneurial enhancementPérez-Centeno, Víctor
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 62
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