Browsing All of EconStor by Author Winkler, Adalbert

Showing results 1 to 20 of 48
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1991Monetäre Voraussetzungen marktwirtschaftlicher Reformschritte in den Staaten OsteuropasFilc, Wolfgang; Winkler, Adalbert
1994The EMS crisis and the prospects for European Monetary UnionWinkler, Adalbert
1998Financial Development, Economic Growth and Corporate GovernanceWinkler, Adalbert
1999Promotional banks as an instrument for improving the financing situation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe: Some observations based on the development of the German financial systemWinkler, Adalbert
1999Förderbanken als Instrument zur Verbesserung der Finanzierungssituation kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen in den Transformationsstaaten Mittel- und OsteuropasWinkler, Adalbert
1999Building Financial Institutions in Developing CountriesSchmidt, Reinhard H.; Winkler, Adalbert
2001On the need for an international lender of last resort: Lessons from domestic financial marketsWinkler, Adalbert
2002Economic relations with regions neighbouring the euro area in the "Euro Time Zone"Mazzaferro, Francesco; Mehl, Arnaud; Sturm, Michael; Thimann, Christian; Winkler, Adalbert
2004Official dollarisation/euroisation - motives, features and policy implications of current casesWinkler, Adalbert; Mazzaferro, Francesco; Nerlich, Carolin; Thimann, Christian
2006Macroeconomic and financial stability challenges for acceding and candidate countriesWinkler, Adalbert; Beck, Roland; International Relations Committee Task Force on Enlargement
2007Commodity price fluctuations and their impact on monetary and fiscal policies in Western and Central AfricaBöwer, Uwe; Geis, André; Winkler, Adalbert
2008Financial stability challenges in candidate countries - managing the transition to deeper and more market-oriented financial systemsBracke, Thierry; Geis, André; Habib, Maurizio; Móré, Csaba; Polgár, Éva Katalin; Winkler, Adalbert; Cocozza, Emidio; Backé, Peter; IRC Expert Group on Financial Stability Challenges in Candidate Countries
2008Financial markets and the current account: emerging Europe versus emerging AsiaHerrmann, Sabine; Winkler, Adalbert
2008Emerging markets and the global monetary system: The challenge of rising inflationRemsperger, Hermann; Winkler, Adalbert
2008Real convergence, financial markets, and the current account – Emerging Europe versus emerging AsiaHerrmann, Sabine; Winkler, Adalbert
2008Globale Ungleichgewichte, Wechselkursregime und FinanzkriseWinkler, Adalbert
2008Russia, EU enlargement and the euroPolanski, Zbigniew; Winkler, Adalbert
2009Finanzierungsstrukturen und makroökonomische Stabilität in den Ländern Südosteuropas, der Türkei und in den GUS-StaatenWinkler, Adalbert; Vogel, Ursula
2010Debatte über Griechenland verfehlt Kern von FinanzkrisenWinkler, Adalbert
2010The financial crisis: A wake-up call for strengthening regional monitoring of financial markets and regional coordination of financial sector policies?Winkler, Adalbert