Browsing All of EconStor by Author Wichardt, Philipp C.

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2007Why and How Identity Should Influence UtilityWichardt, Philipp C.
2007Providing Public Goods Without Strong Sanctioning InstitutionsGerber, Anke; Wichardt, Philipp C.
2010Measuring Individual Risk Attitudes in the Lab: Task or Ask? An Empirical ComparisonWichardt, Philipp C.; Lönnqvist, Jan-Erik; Verkasalo, Markku; Walkowitz, Gari
2010Overconfidence Can Improve an Agent's Relative and Absolute Performance in ContestsLudwig, Sandra; Wichardt, Philipp C.; Wickhorst, Hanke
2010Overconfidence Can Improve an Agent's Relative and Absolute Performance in ContestsLudwig, Sandra; Wichardt, Philipp C.; Wickhorst, Hanke
2011Measuring Individual Risk Attitudes in the Lab: Task or Ask? An Empirical ComparisonLönnqvist, Jan-Erik; Verkasalo, Markku; Walkowitz, Gari; Wichardt, Philipp C.
2012Delegation in long-term relationshipsSchütte, Miriam; Wichardt, Philipp C.
2014Models and Fictions in (Micro-)EconomicsWichardt, Philipp C.
2014Measuring individual risk attitudes in the lab: Task or ask? An empirical comparisonLönnqvist, Jan-Erik; Verkasalo, Markku; Walkowitz, Gari; Wichardt, Philipp C.
2016Conflicting identities: Cosmopolitan or anxious? Appreciating concerns of host country population improves attitudes towards immigrantsStöhr, Tobias; Wichardt, Philipp C.
2016Openness to Concerns of Host Country Population Improves Attitudes Towards ImmigrantsStöhr, Tobias; Wichardt, Philipp C.
2018Mine, ours or yours? Unintended framing effects in dictator gamesBergh, Andreas; Wichardt, Philipp C.
2019Pharmaceutical prices: The impact of the launch strategy. An analysis of German dataBöhler, Yvonne-Beatrice; Lamping, Christian; Wichardt, Philipp C.
2019Pharmaceutical Prices: The Impact of the Launch Strategy - An Analysis of German DataBöhler, Yvonne-Beatrice; Lamping, Christian; Wichardt, Philipp C.
2021Procedurally justifiable strategies: Integrating context effects into multistage decision makingKemper, Fynn; Wichardt, Philipp C.
2023A Real Effort vs. Standard Public Goods Experiment: Overall More All-or-Nothing, Lower Average Contributions and Men Become More Selfish in the Effort-Loss FrameSchütze, Tobias; Wichardt, Philipp C.; Wichardt, Philipp Christoph
2023Nudging: An Experiment on Transparency, Controlling for Reactance and Decision TimeSchütze, Tobias; Spitzer, Carsten; Wichardt, Philipp C.
2024Illusion of Control: Psychological Characteristics as Moderators in Financial Decision MakingSchütze, Tobias; Schmidt, Ulrich; Spitzer, Carsten; Wichardt, Philipp C.
2024On Credibility and Causality in Economics: A Critical AppraisalBergh, Andreas; Wichardt, Philipp C.