Browsing All of EconStor by Author Severnini, Edson R.

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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2014The Power of Hydroelectric Dams: Agglomeration SpilloversSevernini, Edson R.
2015Pollution, Infectious Disease, and Mortality: Evidence from the 1918 Spanish Influenza PandemicClay, Karen; Lewis, Joshua; Severnini, Edson R.
2016Canary in a Coal Mine: Infant Mortality, Property Values, and Tradeoffs Associated with Mid-20th Century Air PollutionClay, Karen; Lewis, Joshua; Severnini, Edson R.
2017Short- and Long-Run Impacts of Rural Electrification: Evidence from the Historical Rollout of the U.S. Power GridLewis, Joshua; Severnini, Edson R.
2018Toxic Truth: Lead and FertilityClay, Karen; Portnykh, Margarita; Severnini, Edson R.
2018Assortative Matching or Exclusionary Hiring? The Impact of Firm Policies on Racial Wage Differences in BrazilGerard, Francois; Lagos, Lorenzo; Severnini, Edson R.; Card, David
2019What Explains Cross-City Variation in Mortality During the 1918 Influenza Pandemic? Evidence from 438 U.S. CitiesClay, Karen; Lewis, Joshua; Severnini, Edson R.
2019The Legacy Lead Deposition in Soils and Its Impact on Cognitive Function in Preschool-Aged Children in the United StatesClay, Karen; Portnykh, Margarita; Severnini, Edson R.
2020The Value of Health Insurance during a Crisis: Effects of Medicaid Implementation on Pandemic Influenza MortalityClay, Karen; Lewis, Joshua; Severnini, Edson R.; Wang, Xiao
2020Health Shocks under Hospital Capacity Constraint: Evidence from Air Pollution in Sao Paulo, BrazilGuidetti, Bruna; Pereda, Paula; Severnini, Edson R.
2020Timing Matters: Shifting Economic Activity and Intra-Day Variation in Ambient Ozone ConcentrationsAdler, David; Severnini, Edson R.
2020A Unifying Approach to Measuring Climate Change Impacts and AdaptationBento, Antonio M.; Miller, Noah; Mookerjee, Mehreen; Severnini, Edson R.
2021Air Pollution and Adult Cognition: Evidence from Brain TrainingLa Nauze, Andrea; Severnini, Edson R.
2021Does LEED Certification Save Energy? Evidence from Federal BuildingsClay, Karen; Severnini, Edson R.; Sun, Xiaochen
2021Time is of the Essence: Climate Adaptation Induced by Existing InstitutionsBento, Antonio M.; Miller, Noah; Mookerjee, Mehreen; Severnini, Edson R.
2021"Placebo Tests" for the Impacts of Air Pollution on Health: The Challenge of Limited Healthcare InfrastructureGuidetti, Bruna; Pereda, Paula; Severnini, Edson R.
2021Impacts of the Clean Air Act on the Power Sector from 1938-1994: Anticipation and AdaptationClay, Karen; Jha, Akshaya; Lewis, Joshua; Severnini, Edson R.
2022Affirmative action with no major switching: Evidence from a top university in BrazilOliveira, Rodrigo Carvalho; Santos, Alei; Severnini, Edson R.
2023Bridging the Gap: Mismatch Effects and Catch-up Dynamics in a Brazilian College Affirmative ActionOliveira, Rodrigo; Santos, Alei; Severnini, Edson R.
2023The Historical Impact of Coal on CitiesClay, Karen; Lewis, Joshua; Severnini, Edson R.