Browsing All of EconStor by Author Laux, Christian

Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2003Initial public offerings and venture capital in GermanyFranzke, Stefanie A.; Grohs, Stefanie; Laux, Christian
2004Performance Measurement and Information ProductionLaux, Christian; Laux, Volker
2005ART Versus Reinsurance: The Disciplining Effect of Information InsensitivityBrandts, Silke; Laux, Christian
2006Tying lending and underwriting: Scope economies, incentives, and reputationLaux, Christian; Walz, Uwe
2006Mutual versus stock insurers: Fair premium, capital, and solvencyLaux, Christian; Muermann, Alexander
2007Mutual versus Stock Insurers: Fair Premium, Capital, and SolvencyLaux, Christian; Muermann, Alexander
2007Board Committees, CEO Compensation, and Earnings ManagementLaux, Christian; Laux, Volker
2008Corporate insurance design with multiple risks and moral hazardLaux, Christian
2009Did fair-value accounting contribute to the financial crisis?Laux, Christian; Leuz, Christian
2009The crisis of fair value accounting: Making sense of the recent debateLaux, Christian; Leuz, Christian
2011Disclosure, transparency, and market disciplineFreixas, Xavier; Laux, Christian
2011Insuring non-verifiable lossesDoherty, Neil A.; Laux, Christian; Muermann, Alexander
2020Accounting for financial stability: Lessons from the financial crisis and future challengesBischof, Jannis; Laux, Christian; Leuz, Christian
2021The leverage effect of bank disclosuresKönig, Philipp Johann; Laux, Christian; Pothier, David
2023Accounting Changes and Enforcement of Bank Capital Requirements in a CrisisKostic, Natalija; Muthsam, Viktoria; Laux, Christian