Browsing All of EconStor by Author Kittel, Bernhard
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
2000 | Determinanten der Konsolidierung und Expansion des Wohlfahrtsstaates im internationalen Vergleich | Kittel, Bernhard; Obinger, Herbert; Wagschal, Uwe |
2001 | How bargaining mediates wage determination: An exploration of the parameters of wage functions in a pooled time-series cross-section framework | Kittel, Bernhard |
2002 | EMU, EU enlargement, and the European Social Model: Trends, challenges, and questions | Kittel, Bernhard |
2002 | Political parties, institutions, and the dynamics of social expenditure in times of austerity | Kittel, Bernhard; Obinger, Herbert |
2002 | How reliable is pooled analysis in political economy? The globalization welfare state nexus revisited | Kittel, Bernhard; Winner, Hannes |
2010 | A structural fit between states and markets? Public administration regulation and market economy models in the OECD | Tepe, Markus; Gottschall, Karin; Kittel, Bernhard |
2012 | Politikpositionen im Reformprozess des öffentlichen Dienstes: Zur Übertragbarkeit der quantitativen Textanalyse | Marcinkiewicz, Kamil; Auffenberg, Jennie; Kittel, Bernhard |
2015 | Negotiating reforms in the public services: Trajectories of new public management policies in the Swedish and French police forces | Auffenberg, Jennie; Kittel, Bernhard |
2020 | Information exchange in laboratory markets: competition, transfer costs, and the emergence of reputation | Hoffmann, Roman; Kittel, Bernhard; Larsen, Mattias |