Browsing All of EconStor by Author Kirchsteiger, Georg
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Year of Publication | Title | Author(s) |
1995 | Gift exchange and reciprocity in competitive experimental markets | Fehr, Ernst; Kirchsteiger, Georg; Riedl, Arno |
1996 | Imperfectly observable commitments in n-player games | Güth, Werner; Kirchsteiger, Georg; Ritzberger, Klaus |
1997 | Learning to like what you have: Explaining the endowment effect | Huck, Steffen; Kirchsteiger, Georg; Oechssler, Jörg |
1998 | Employment duration and resistance to wage reductions: Experimental evidence | Burda, Michael C.; Güth, Werner; Kirchsteiger, Georg; Uhlig, Harald |
2003 | Learning to Like What You Have: Explaining the Endowment Effect | Huck, Steffen; Kirchsteiger, Georg; Oechssler, Jörg |
2007 | On the evolution of market institutions: the platform design paradox | Alós-Ferrer, Carlos; Kirchsteiger, Georg; Walzl, Markus |
2011 | Myopic or farsighted? An experiment on network formation | Mantovani, Marco; Kirchsteiger, Georg; Mauleon, Ana; Vannetelbosch, Vincent |
2013 | Loss Aversion and Consumption Choice: Theory and Experimental Evidence | Karle, Heiko; Kirchsteiger, Georg; Peitz, Martin |
2015 | Suspiciously timed trade disputes | Conconi, Paola; DeRemer, David R.; Kirchsteiger, Georg; Trimarchi, Lorenzo; Zanardi, Maurizio |
2020 | Do traders learn to select efficient market institutions? | Alós-Ferrer, Carlos; Buckenmaier, Johannes; Kirchsteiger, Georg |
2021 | Repeated interaction and its impact on cooperation and surplus allocation: An experimental analysis | Di Guida, Sibilla; The Anh Han; Kirchsteiger, Georg; Lenaerts, Tom; Zisis, Ioannis |