Browsing All of EconStor by Author Janssen, Maarten C.W.

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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
1997Focal PointsJanssen, Maarten C.W.
1998Bertrand Competition under UncertaintyJanssen, Maarten C.W.; Rasmusen, Eric
2000Catching Hipo's: Screening, Wages and UnemploymentJanssen, Maarten C.W.
2000Pricing, Consumer Search and the Size of Internet MarketsJanssen, Maarten C.W.; Moraga, Jose Luis
2000Cycles and Multiple Equilibria in the Market for Durable LemonsJanssen, Maarten C.W.; Karamychev, Vladimir
2000Imitation of Cooperation in Prisoner's Dilemma Games with Some Local InteractionJanssen, Maarten C.W.
2000Towards a Justification the Principle of CoordinationJanssen, Maarten C.W.
2000Adoption of Superior Technology in Markets with Heterogeneous Network Externalities and Price CompetitionJanssen, Maarten C.W.; Mendys, Ewa
2000Continuous Time Trading in Markets with Adverse SelectionJanssen, Maarten C.W.; Karamychev, Vladimir
2001The Price of a Price: On the Crowding out of Social NormsJanssen, Maarten C.W.; Mendys, Ewa
2001Two Firms is enough for Competition, but Three or More is betterJanssen, Maarten C.W.; Moraga, Jose Luis
2001Dynamic Insurance and Adverse SelectionJanssen, Maarten C.W.; Karamychev, Vladimir A.
2002Electronic Commerce and Retail Channel SubstitutionJanssen, Maarten C.W.; van der Noll, Rob
2003Multi-Store Competition: Market Segmentation or Interlacing?Janssen, Maarten C.W.; Karamychev, Vladimir A.; van Reeven, Peran
2003Auctions as Collusion DevicesJanssen, Maarten C.W.
2004A Note on Costly Sequential Search and Oligopoly PricingJanssen, Maarten C.W.; Moraga-Gonzalez, Jose Luis; Wildenbeest, Matthijs R.
2004Consumer Search and Oligopolistic Pricing: An Empirical InvestigationJanssen, Maarten C.W.; Moraga-Gonzalez, Jose Luis; Wildenbeest, Matthijs R.
2004Auctions as Coordination DevicesJanssen, Maarten C.W.
2005Internet Retailing as a Marketing StrategyJanssen, Maarten C.W.; van der Noll, Rob
2005Auctions, Market Prices and the Risk Attitude EffectJanssen, Maarten C.W.; Karamychev, Vladimir A.