Browsing All of EconStor by Author Cordes, Christian

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2004The autocatalytic character of the growth of production knowledge: What role does human labor play?Brenner, Thomas; Cordes, Christian
2005Toward a Naturalistic Foundation of the Social ContractCordes, Christian; Schubert, Christian
2006How does opportunistic behavior influence firm size?Cordes, Christian; Richerson, Peter J.; McElreath, Richard; Strimling, Pontus
2006A naturalistic approach to the theory of the firm: the role of cooperation and cultural evolutionCordes, Christian; Richerson, Peter J.; McElreath, Richard; Strimling, Pontus
2007The role of biology and culture in Veblenian consumption dynamicsCordes, Christian
2007Can sustainable consumption be learned?Buenstorf, Guido; Cordes, Christian
2007Emergent cultural phenomena and their cognitive foundationsCordes, Christian
2009How corporate cultures coevolve with the business environment: The case of firm growth crises and industry evolutionCordes, Christian; Richerson, Peter J.; Schwesinger, Georg
2010Role models that make you unhappy: Light paternalism, social learning and welfareCordes, Christian; Schubert, Christian
2011A corporation's culture as an impetus for spinoffs and a driving force of industry evolutionCordes, Christian; Richerson, Peter J.; Schwesinger, Georg
2014The application of evolutionary concepts in evolutionary economicsCordes, Christian
2015Going through a crisis: Firm development and firm size distributionsCordes, Christian; Su, Tong-Yaa; Strimling, Pontus
2021The collapse of cooperation: the endogeneity of institutional break-up and its asymmetry with emergenceCordes, Christian; Elsner, Wolfram; Graebner, Claudius; Heinrich, Torsten; Henkel, Joshua; Schwardt, Henning; Schwesinger, Georg; Su, Tong-Yaa
2022Governance structures, cultural distance, and socialization dynamics: further challenges for the modern corporationCordes, Christian; Müller, Stephan; Schwesinger, Georg; Lundan, Sarianna M.