Browsing All of EconStor by Author Herstatt, Cornelius

Showing results 61 to 80 of 96
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Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2012Frugal innovations for the 'unserved' customer: An assessment of India's attractiveness as a lead Market for cost-effective productsTiwari, Rajnish; Herstatt, Cornelius
2012India - a lead market for frugal innovations? Extending the lead market theory to emerging economiesTiwari, Rajnish; Herstatt, Cornelius
2012Open global innovation networks as enablers of frugal innovation: propositions based on evidence from IndiaTiwari, Rajnish; Herstatt, Cornelius
2013Lessons from low-cost healthcare innovations for the Base-of the Pyramid markets: How incumbents can systematically create disruptive innovationsRamdorai, Aditi; Herstatt, Cornelius
2013Innovieren für preisbewusste Kunden: Analogieeinsatz als Erfolgsfaktor in SchwellenländernTiwari, Rajnish; Herstatt, Cornelius
2013"Too good" to succeed? Why not just try "good enough"! Some deliberations on the prospects of frugal innovationsTiwari, Rajnish; Herstatt, Cornelius
2013To own or not to own: How ownership affects user innovation - An empirical study in the German rowing communityTietze, Frank; Pieper, Thorsten; Herstatt, Cornelius
2014India's Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs): Social construction of a "frugal" innovationHerstatt, Maximilian; Herstatt, Cornelius
2014Shareconomy: Performance-oriented systems as a strategySchiederig, Tim; Herstatt, Cornelius
2014Exogenous vs. endogenous governance in innovation communities: Effects on motivation, conflict and justice - An experimental investigationStörmer, Niclas; Herstatt, Cornelius
2014Lead markets in age-based innovationsLevsen, Nils; Herstatt, Cornelius
2014Frugal innovation and analogies: Some propositions for product development in emerging economiesTiwari, Rajnish; Kalogerakis, Katharina; Herstatt, Cornelius
2014Implementation of lead users into management practice: A literature review of publications in business pressLehnen, Jens; Ehls, Daniel; Herstatt, Cornelius
2014R&D employee's intention to exchange knowledge within open innovation projectsNedon, Verena; Herstatt, Cornelius
2014Determinants of user innovator behavior in the silver marketWellner, Konstantin; Herstatt, Cornelius
2014The cradle-to-cradle (C2C) paradigm in the context of innovation management and driving forces for implementationGeng, Viktoria; Herstatt, Cornelius
2014The intellectual pillars of user innovation: a co-citation analysisHerstatt, Cornelius; Schweisfurth, Tim
2015Does cognitive distance affect product development for distant target groups? Evidence from the literature using co-citation methodologyLew, Jia Hui; Marwede, Malte; Herstatt, Cornelius
2015Closed-Loop Supply Chains for Cradle to Cradle ProductsKalogerakis, Katharina; Drabe, Viktoria; Paramasivam, Mugundan; Herstatt, Cornelius
2015Projektmanagement im Innovationsprozess: Analyse des Managements von Innovationsprojekten am Beispiel des Lead User-AnsatzesSchmidt, Tobias Sebastian; Lehnen, Jens; Herstatt, Cornelius