Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Growitsch, Christian

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2010Auswirkungen niedrigerer Mobilterminierungsentgelte auf Endkundenpreise und NachfrageGrowitsch, Christian; Marcus, J. Scott; Wernick, Christian
2011Ownership Unbundling of Gas Transmission Networks - Empirical EvidenceGrowitsch, Christian; Stronzik, Marcus
2011Nations as Strategic Players in Global Commodity Markets: Evidence from World Coal TradePaulus, Moritz; Trüby, Johannes; Growitsch, Christian
2012Price convergence and information efficiency in German natural gas marketsGrowitsch, Christian; Stronzik, Marcus; Nepal, Rabindra
2012Using Supervised Environmental Composites in Production and Efficiency Analyses: An Application to Norwegian Electricity NetworksOrea, Luis; Growitsch, Christian; Jamasb, Tooraj
2013Flexibility in Europe's power sector : An additional requirement or an automatic complement?Bertsch, Joachim; Growitsch, Christian; Lorenczik, Stefan; Nagl, Stephan
2013Flexibility in Europe's power sector - an additional requirement or an automatic complement?Bertsch, Joachim; Growitsch, Christian; Lorenczik, Stefan; Nagl, Stephan
2013Supply disruptions and regional price effects in a spatial oligopoly - an application to the global gas marketGrowitsch, Christian; Hecking, Harald; Panke, Timo
2013The Costs of Power Interruptions in Germany - an Assessment in the Light of the EnergiewendeGrowitsch, Christian; Malischek, Raimund; Nick, Sebastian; Wetzel, Heike
2014Regionale Verteilungswirkungen des Erneuerbare-Energien-GesetzesGrowitsch, Christian; Meier, Helena; Schleich, Sebastian
2014Fördersysteme harmonisieren: Erneuerbare-Energien-GesetzGrowitsch, Christian
2015The digital economyHungerland, Fabian; Quitzau, Jörn; Zuber, Christopher; Ehrlich, Lars; Growitsch, Christian; Rische, Marie-Christin; Schlitte, Friso; Haß, Hans-Joachim
2015DigitalökonomieHungerland, Fabian; Quitzau, Jörn; Zuber, Christopher; Ehrlich, Lars; Growitsch, Christian; Rische, Marie-Christin; Schlitte, Friso; Haß, Hans-Joachim
2015Der Ölmarkt in BewegungGrowitsch, Christian; Leschus, Leon
2017Competition and regulation as a means of reducing CO2 emissions: Experience from U.S. fossil fuel power plantsGrowitsch, Christian; Paulus, Simon; Wetzel, Heike
2017Competition and Regulation as a Means of Reducing CO2 Emissions: Experience from U.S. Fossil Fuel Power PlantsGrowitsch, Christian; Paulus, Simon; Wetzel, Heike
2017Competition and regulation as a means of reducing CO2 emissions: Experience from U.S. fossil fuel power plantsGrowitsch, Christian; Paulus, Simon; Wetzel, Heike
2019Fukushima and German energy policy 2005-2015/2016Growitsch, Christian; Höffler, Felix