Browsen in EconStor gesamt nach Autor:innen Eichhorst, Werner

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2009Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf: wie konsistent sind die Reformen?Eichhorst, Werner; Thode, Eric
2009Kurzarbeit: Sinnvoller Konjunkturpuffer oder verlängertes Arbeitslosengeld?Eichhorst, Werner; Marx, Paul
2010The impact of the crisis on employment and the role of labour market institutionsEichhorst, Werner; Escudero, Verónica; Marx, Paul; Tobin, Steven
2010Crisis, what crisis? Patterns of adaptation in European labor marketsEichhorst, Werner; Feil, Michael; Marx, Paul
2010Whatever works: Dualisation and the service economy in Bismarckian welfare statesEichhorst, Werner; Marx, Paul
2010Arbeitsmarktpolitik: falsche Anreize vermeiden, Fehlentwicklungen korrigierenBrenke, Karl; Eichhorst, Werner
2010Quantity over quality? A European comparison of the changing nature of transitions between non-employment and employmentEichhorst, Werner; Konle-Seidl, Regina; Koslowski, Alison; Marx, Paul
2011The transition from work to retirementEichhorst, Werner
2011The use of flexible measures to cope with economic crises in Germany and BrazilEichhorst, Werner; Marx, Paul; Pastore, José
2011The effects of the recent economic crisis on social protection and labour market arrangements across socio-economic groupsBasso, Gaetano; Dolls, Matthias; Eichhorst, Werner; Leoni, Thomas; Peichl, Andreas
2011Vom kranken Mann zum Vorbild Europas: Kann Deutschlands Arbeitsmarkt noch vom Ausland lernen?Eichhorst, Werner
2011Schulergänzende Betreuung für Kinder: Status Quo und BeschäftigungswirkungEichhorst, Werner; Marx, Paul; Tobsch, Verena
2012The unexpected appearance of a new German modelEichhorst, Werner
2012Youth unemployment and vocational trainingBiavaschi, Costanza; Eichhorst, Werner; Giulietti, Corrado; Kendzia, Michael Jan; Muravyev, Alexander; Pieters, Janneke; Rodríguez-Planas, Nuría; Schmidl, Ricarda; Zimmermann, Klaus F.
2012A roadmap to vocational education and training systems around the worldEichhorst, Werner; Rodríguez-Planas, Núria; Schmidl, Ricarda; Zimmermann, Klaus F.
2012The welfare state after the Great RecessionHemerijck, Anton C.; Vandenbroucke, Frank; Andersen, Torben M.; Pochet, Philippe; Degryse, Christophe; Basso, Gaetano; Dolls, Mathias; Eichhorst, Werner; Leoni, Thomas; Peichl, Andreas; Taylor-Gooby, Peter
2013Nur auf den ersten Blick charmant: Europäische ArbeitslosenversicherungEichhorst, Werner
2013Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa: Status Quo und (keine?) PerspektivenEichhorst, Werner; Hinte, Holger; Rinne, Ulf
2013Non-Standard Employment across Occupations in Germany: The Role of Replaceability and Labour Market FlexibilityEichhorst, Werner; Marx, Paul; Tobsch, Verena
2013Has Atypical Work Become Typical in Germany?Eichhorst, Werner; Tobsch, Verena