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IAB-Forschungsbericht No. 2/2013
Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg
Die Einzelhandelsbranche war in jüngster Vergangenheit häufig Gegenstand der öffentlichen und politischen Diskussion. In vorliegendem Forschungsbericht werden zum einen die Grundstruktur der Einzelhandelsbetriebe und zum anderen deren betriebliche Charakteristika im Vergleich zu Betrieben des Dienstleistungssektors und der Privatwirtschaft analysiert. Hierbei wird ein besonderer Fokus auf die Verbreitung atypischer Beschäftigungsformen, die Tarifbindung, die betriebliche Aus- und Weiterbildung, erwartete Personalprobleme, den Fachkräftebedarf und die Beschäftigung älterer Mitarbeiter gelegt. Basierend auf den Auswertungen des IAB-Betriebspanels der Jahre 2010 und 2011 zeigt sich in der Einzelhandelsbranche sowohl eine starke betriebliche Verbreitung als auch eine hohe Nutzungsintensität der Teilzeitarbeit sowie der geringfügigen Beschäftigung. 82 Prozent der Betriebe nutzen Teilzeitarbeit und 64 Prozent der Einzelhandelsbetriebe beschäftigen mindestens einen Mini-Jobber. 44 Prozent der Beschäftigten des Einzelhandels arbeiten in Teilzeit und 23 Prozent sind geringfügig beschäftigt. In den Betrieben des Einzelhandels ist, trotz der Aufhebung der Allgemeinverbindlichkeitserklärung im Jahr 2000, eine geringfügig höhere Tarifbindung als im Dienstleistungssektor festzustellen. 27 Prozent der Einzelhandelsbetriebe unterliegen einem Branchentarifvertrag, 2 Prozent der Betriebe einem Haus- oder Firmentarifvertrag, während 71 Prozent der Einzelhandelsbetriebe nicht-tarifgebunden sind. Die betriebliche Ausbildung spielt im Einzelhandel eine große Rolle...
Zusammenfassung (übersetzt): 
In the recent past, the retail trade was frequently discussed in public and political debates. This research report on the one hand investigates the basic structure of retail trade and on the other hand studies the in-plant characteristics of establishments in the retail trade compared with establishments in the service sector and the private sector. The analysis will focus on the distribution of the atypical employment, the bargaining coverage, the in-plant education and training, expected problems with human resource management, the need for skilled workers and the employment of older workers. Based on the analysis of the IAB Establishment Panel 2010 and 2011, there is a strong distribution and intensity in the use of part-time work and marginal employment in the retail sector. 82 percent of the establishments in the retail sector use part-time work and 64 percent employ at least one mini-jobber. 44 percent of the employees in the retail trade work part-time and 23 percent are marginally employed. Despite of the annulment of the collective agreement in 2000, retail trade establishments have a higher degree of collective bargaining coverage compared to establishments of the service sector. 27 percent of the establishments in the retail trade are subject to an industry-wide wage agreement, 2 percent to a company agreement concluded by the establishment and the trade union and 71 percent of all establishments in the retail sector are not bound by collective bargaining. In-plant education plays an important role in the retail sector. Compared to the service and the private sectors, more establishments in retail trade are legally authorised to educate apprentices and actively train apprentices at a higher rate. Otherwise there aren't differences concerning the participation in in-plant training. The most frequently used types of qualification are external and internal seminars and on-the-job training (instruction, initial skill adaption training). The analysis show that there aren't major differences concerning the expected problems with human resource management between the three sectors. Nearly 60 percent of all establishments in retail, the service and the private sectors predict no problems with human resource management. The problems mentioned most frequently are high financial burden on wage cost, difficulties in finding the required specialized personnel on the labor market, followed by lack of motivation in the workplace. In the first half of 2011 the need for skilled workers in the retail trade in Germany was about 106.000 persons. This is an increase of 4.000 employees compared to the previous year. Furthermore, 19 percent of the establishments in retail trade expect having to fill new vacancies or reoccupy old vacancies with qualified employees until 2013. However, the majority of establishments of the retail sector (58 %) do not agree with this. To what extent do the establishments, which need skilled workers in the near future, expect problems to find suitably qualified applicants? 35 percent of the establishments in the retail trade predict problems in filling several vacancies for skilled workers and 33 percent expect difficulties in filling all vacancies for qualified staff. The establishments of the service sector and the private sector expect to a lower extent that staffing problems will concern all vacancies, but a higher rate predict problems in filling several vacancies for qualified workers. A low supply of applicants and a difficult search for special additional qualifications are the reasons mentioned most frequently for problems in filling vacancies. Only 11 percent of the establishments in retail trade, which employ individuals aged 50 and more, offer measures for older workers. In the service sector and the private sector this rate is slightly higher. If the establishments do offer measures for older workers, then they particularly involve older employees in in-firm advanced training activities, use mixed age teams and lower job performance requirements.
atypische Beschäftigung
geringfügige Beschäftigung
betriebliche Berufsausbildung
betriebliche Weiterbildung
ältere Arbeitnehmer
Research Report

360.18 kB

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