Working Papers, Banco de México

ISSN: n.a.

Publikationen (sortiert nach Titel in absteigender Richtung): 1 bis 20 von 347
2024Public transportation and consumer prices: Chain stores, street vendors and mom and pop storesEspinoza E., Angel
2024Attached once, attached forever: The persistent effects of concertaje in EcuadorRivadeneira, Alex
2024Workers, workplaces, sorting, and wage dispersion in MexicoPérez Pérez, Jorge; Nuño-Ledesma, José G.
2024Random discounted expected utilityApesteguia, Jose; Ballester, Miguel A.; Gutiérrez-Daza, Ángelo
2024Differences in the labor market by gender and aggregate incomeMascarúa Lara, Miguel A.
2024Price duration using daily online data: Time- or state-dependent?Solórzano, Diego; Arango-Castillo, Lenin
2024Policy effect estimation and visualization in linear panel event-study designs: Introducing the xtevent packageFreyaldenhoven, Simon; Hansen, Christian Bailey; Pérez Pérez, Jorge; Shapiro, Jesse M.; Carreto, Constantino
2024The macroeconomic impact of COVID-19 in EMEsHernandez-Vega, Marco
2023Designing the menu of licenses for foster careAltinok, Ahmet; Mac Donald, Diana E.
2023Stylized facts from prices at multi-channel retailers in MexicoSolórzano, Diego
2023Misallocation of resources, firm characteristics, and structural factors: Evidence from MexicoOrozco Vázquez, Miguel
2023Irrigation, adaptation and climate change: Panel data evidence for maize in MexicoGonzalez, Jesus Arellano
2023Identifying gender disparities on the time to repay microfinance group loans: Evidence from MexicoBátiz-Zuk, Enrique; González-Holden, Alexa
2023Growth at risk and uncertainty: Evidence from MexicoSalgado, Alfredo; Trujillo, Alejandro
2023Monetary rules, financial stability and welfare in a non-Ricardian frameworkAdame Espinosa, Francisco
2023House prices and the distribution of wealth around the great recessionCóndor, Richard; Moguel, Rodolfo Oviedo
2023Foster care: A dynamic matching approachMac Donald, Diana E.
2023Unconditional convergence in the Mexican manufacturing sector (1988-2018)Rivadeneira, Alex
2023Effects of the extraordinary measures implemented by Banco de México during the COVID-19 pandemic on financial conditionsAlba, Carlos; Cuadra, Gabriel; Ibarra-Ramírez, Raúl
2023The influence of central bank's projections and economic narrative on professional forecasters' expectations: Evidence from MexicoAntón Sarabia, Arturo; Bazdresch, Santiago; Lelo-de-Larrea, Alejandra
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