Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Lehrstuhl für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbes. Wirtschaftsordnung und Sozialpolitik, Würzburg
We study the effect of entrepreneurship on economic growth. First, we illustrate that entrepreneurship affects the investment decision in horizontal and vertical innovations within endogenous growth models. As a direct consequence, the level of entrepreneurship exerts significant growth stimuli. We then evaluate this prediction empirically applying 3SLS estimations based on the approach proposed by Barro (1991, 2000, 2003). Using data of 188 countries between 1980-2010, we show that entrepreneurship has a significantly positive effect on growth, even when controlling for a wide range of commonly used political and state variables suggested by the standard growth model. Our sensitivity analysis that takes into account different proxies of entrepreneurship supports our results. It turns out that the level of uncertainty avoidance - perhaps the purest proxy of entrepreneurship - excerts negative effects on economic growth. The extent of entrepreneurship can thus be considered an adequate additional determinant in growth models to explain differences in per capita income.