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Ergebnisse 21-30 von 42.
2015"Germany economy growing at slightly above-average rate": Eight questions to Simon Junker
In: Band: 5, 2015, Heft: 50/51, S. 666-
Junker, Simon; Wittenberg, Erich
2015"New capital requirements for EU government bonds would lead to problems for Greece": Eight questions to Dorothea Schäfer
In: Band: 5, 2015, Heft: 20, S. 280-
Schäfer, Dorothea; Wittenberg, Erich
2014Crime statistics: "Dark figure" survey to correct police statistics: Eight questions to Mathias Bug
In: Band: 5, 2015, Heft: 3, S. 22-
Bug, Matthias; Wittenberg, Erich
2015"East-west gap in private research, development, and innovation in Germany: Research-intensive industries and larger companies represented weakly": Five questions to Alexander Eickelpasch
In: Band: 5, 2015, Heft: 41, S. 553-
Eickelpasch, Alexander; Wittenberg, Erich
2015"Combining dynamic allocation and inclusion of consumption into the EU ETS would be beneficial": Six questions to Karsten Neuhoff
In: Band: 5, 2015, Heft: 28/29, S. 396-
Neuhoff, Karsten; Wittenberg, Erich
2015"There are many analogies between the GDR in 1990 and Greece today": Four questions to Marcel Fratzscher
In: Band: 5, 2015, Heft: 27, S. 365-
Fratzscher, Marcel; Wittenberg, Erich
2015"German economy: Solid dynamics - weak investments": Seven Questions to Ferdinand Fichtner
In: Band: 5, 2015, Heft: 11, S. 158-
Fichtner, Ferdinand; Wittenberg, Erich
2015"Liquefied natural gas will have to play a larger role in the future": Six questions to Franziska Holz
In: Band: 5, 2015, Heft: 48, S. 636-
Holz, Franziska; Wittenberg, Erich
2015"Global climate targets achievable without nuclear power": Seven questions to Claudia Kemfert
In: Band: 5, 2015, Heft: 47, S. 626-
Kemfert, Claudia; Wittenberg, Erich
2015"Similar levels of political interest between East and West, notable differences in turnout": Six questions to Martin Kroh
In: Band: 5, 2015, Heft: 37, S. 492-
Kroh, Martin; Wittenberg, Erich