Discussion Papers, Deutsche Bundesbank

ISSN: 2626-8914

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 630
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2023Banks of a feather: The informational advantage of being alikeBednarek, Peter; Dinger, Valeriya; Schultz, Alison; von Westernhagen, Natalja
2023On the empirical relevance of the exchange rate as a shock absorber at the zero lower boundFinck, David; Hoffmann, Mathias; Hürtgen, Patrick
2023Energy prices and inflation expectations: Evidence from households and firmsWehrhöfer, Nils
2023Towards seasonal adjustment of infra-monthly time series with JDemetra+Webel, Karsten; Smyk, Anna
2023Precision-based sampling for state space models that have no measurement errorMertens, Elmar
2023Banks' net interest margin and changes in the term structureMemmel, Christoph; Heckmann-Draisbach, Lotta
2023Long-term deposit funding and demand for central bank funds: Evidence from targeted longer-term refinancing operationsFudulache, Adina-Elena; Goetz, Martin R.
2023Time-varying stock return correlation, news shocks, and business cyclesMetiu, Norbert; Prieto, Esteban
2023Pricing the Bund term structure with linear regressions – without an observable short rateSpeck, Christian
2023The pass-through from inflation perceptions to inflation expectationsHuber, Stefanie J.; Minina, Daria; Schmidt, Tobias
2023The rollout of internal credit risk models: Implications for the novel partial-use philosophySchlam, Carina; Woyand, Corinna
2023Mental accounting and the marginal propensity to consumeBernard, René
2023Effects of the ECB's communication on government bond spreadsCamarero Garcia, Sebastian; Neugebauer, Frederik; Russnak, Jan; Zimmermann, Lilli
2023Shadow-rate VARsCarriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, Massimiliano; Mertens, Elmar
2023Collateral scarcity and market functioning: Insights from the eurosystem securities lending facilitiesGreppmair, Stefan; Jank, Stephan
2023Effects of bank capital requirements on lending by banks and non-bank financial institutionsBednarek, Peter; Briukhova, Olga; Ongena, Steven; von Westernhagen, Natalja
2023Convenient but risky government bondsKaldorf, Matthias; Röttger, Joost
2023Staggered difference-in-differences in gravity settings: Revisiting the effects of trade agreementsNagengast, Arne J.; Yotov, Yoto
2023Shocks to transition riskMeinerding, Christoph; Schüler, Yves S.; Zhang, Philipp
2023Inflation expectations in the wake of the war in UkraineAfunts, Geghetsik; Cato, Misina; Schmidt, Tobias
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 630
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