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Ergebnisse 41-50 von 746.
2020Productivity, structural change, and skills dynamics: Evidence from a half-century analysisAsik, Gunes; Karakoc, Ulas; Marouani, Mohamed Ali; Marshalian, Michelle
2021How good are manufacturing jobs in Myanmar? Evidence from matched employer-employee dataFalco, Paolo; Gioia, Francesca; Trifkovic, Neda
2022Pandemic precarity and the complicated case of Maharashtra: Interrogating state capacity and its fault linesJha, Manish K.
2020Jobs, earnings, and routine-task occupational change in times of revolution: The Tunisian perspectiveMarouani, Mohamed Ali; Le Minh, Phuong; Marshalian, Michelle
2021Taxation and income distribution in Myanmar: Application of a new computable general equilibrium (CGE) modelJensen, Henning Tarp; Keogh-Brown, Marcus; Tarp, Finn
2020Trade, technology, and absorptive capacity: Firm-level evidence across geographical clusters in the Tanzanian textiles and apparel sectorSaha, Amrita; Castro, André; Carreras, Marco; Guariso, Daniele
2022Does the adoption of peer-to-government mobile payments improve tax revenue mobilization in developing countries?Wandaogo, Abdoul-Akim; Sawadogo, Fayçal; Lastunen, Jesse
2022The Tanzanian state response to COVID-19: Why low capacity, discursive legitimacy, and twilight authority matterPatterson, Amy S.
2022The state and the "legalization" of illicit financial flows: Trading gold in BoliviaBrugger, Fritz; Proksik, Joschka; Fischer, Felicitas
2020What works to mitigate and reduce relative (and absolute) inequality? A systematic reviewJordá, Vanesa; Alonso, José M.