School of Economics Discussion Papers, University of Kent

ISSN: n.a.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 372
Year of PublicationTitleAuthor(s)
2021Strategic default in financial networksAllouch, Nizar; Jalloul, Maya; Duncan, Alfred
2021Age, inequality and the public provision of healthcareMitra, Anirban
2020Democratisation under diversity: Theory and evidence from Indonesian communitiesMitra, Anirban; Pal, Sarmistha
2020Covid and Social Distancing with a Heterogenous PopulationMakris, Miltiadis
2020Higher education funding, welfare and inequality in equilibriumMellior, Gustavo
2020Can child marriage law change attitudes and behaviour? Experimental evidence from an information intervention in BangladeshAmirapu, Amrit; Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz; Wahhaj, Zaki
2020The economic analysis of consumer attitudes towards food produced using prohibited production methods: Do consumers really care?Balcombe, Kelvin G.; Bradley, Dylan; Fraser, Iain M.
2019The effect of 9/11 on immigrants' ethnic identity and employment: Evidence from GermanyDelaporte, Isaure
2019Ethnic identity and the employment outcomes of immigrants: Evidence from FranceDelaporte, Isaure
2019Engines of sectoral labor productivity growthBárány, Zsófia L.; Siegel, Christian
2019Estimation of a hedonic price equation with instruments for chicken meat in the UK: Does the organic attribute matter?Ribeiro, Jose Eduardo; Gschwandter, Adelina; Revoredo-Giha, Cesar
2019Macroeconomic simulation comparison with a multivariate extension of the Markov Information CriterionBarde, Sylvain
2019The determinants of tax revenue and tax effort in developed and developing countries: Theory and new evidence 1995-2015Piancastelli, Marcelo; Thirlwall, A.P.
2019Working time accounts and turnoverLaunov, Andrey
2019Social effects of the vote of the majority: A field-experiment on the Brexit-votede Leon, Fernanda L. Lopez; Bindemann, Markus
2019The rise and fall of us manufacturing: Re-examination of long-run spatial trendsCrafts, Nicholas; Klein, Alexander
2019Ethnic identities, public spending and political regimesGhosh, Sugata; Mitra, Anirban
2019Make yourselves scarce: The effect of demographic change on the relative wages and employment rates of experienced workersBöhm, Michael J.; Siegel, Christian
2018Marriage, work and migration: The role of infrastructure development and gender normsAmirapu, Amrit; Asadullah, Mohammad Niaz; Wahhaj, Zaki
2018Measured productivity with endogenous markups and economic profitsSavagar, Anthony
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 372